Here’s a modern intro video, via perfectcircuitaudio, to the vintage (1982) Linn Drum LM-2 drum machine.
The Linn Drum LM-2, designed by Roger Linn, is a sample-based drum machine, which allowed it to sound much more realistic than other drum machines of the time. Individual tuning and outputs for the sounds allow for creative processing of the sounds, which adds significantly to its flexibility.
I had one of these, was messed up and missing pieces but fully worked. Sold it for around $130 regretfully.
Today’s tempest will be the tomorrow’s Linn of today (i don’t even know what I’ve wrote)
ah! but is today’s 57 chevy today’s 83 countach?
Possibly not, it’s a very clever bit of kit, but it lacks the character of the original Linn Drum or an 808 etc etc etc…
If there is such a thing as the Synthtopia comment award of the year than this has won 2013 and we are only a month in. This comment contains wisdom i can only pretend to comprehend. I will be awaiting your next comment Eric Bar-bour, do not disappoint.
Kudos,.. Eric.
If you want those sounds for free today :
Have Fun!
Gotta love that Snare sound
What a lovely machine
The patterns can be much longer than 2 bars. copy and paste to the number you are on and the pattern doubles in length.