Synthesist Marc Doty continues his exploration of the Moog Sub Phatty.
In this episode, he looks at the Moog Sub Phatty envelopes, envelope modulation options and presets.
via AutomaticGainsay
Synthesist Marc Doty continues his exploration of the Moog Sub Phatty.
In this episode, he looks at the Moog Sub Phatty envelopes, envelope modulation options and presets.
via AutomaticGainsay
It is convenient to have presets on hand for performances, but Doty definitely has a valid point. I am personally most prolific in both writing and programming on the synthesizers I have that lack patch memory. It is like a whole new set of ideas burst forth from the machine everyday!
I wasn’t that interested in the sub phatty or the MiniBrute as I’ve got a doepfer system, then I saw your reviews…. Damn your insightful and in depth reviews….now I want both….please don’t review the mini ms-20
This. I really really really really want a supPhatty after watching this series.
I agree and I am wanting the CS-80 also.
sounds almost as good as a few pirated vsts i own
Irony, doing it right!
in the ears of the deaf anything would ‘sound almost as good’