Free Max For Live Synth, Granulator II


Ableton Live creator Robert Henke (Monolake) has released Granulator II, a free Max for Live synthesizer.

Here’s what Henke has to say about the free software synth:

Granulator II is a Max For Live synthesizer based on the principle of quasi-synchronous granular synthesis. It creates a constant stream of short crossfading sections of the source sample, and the pitch, position and volume of each grain can be modulated in many ways to create a great variety of interesting sounds.

Granulator II also offers two multimode filters in series to further shape the resulting timbre. Granulator II is the latest incarnation of a series of granular based synthesizers I wrote for my own usage since the invention of MaxMSP in 1997. Listen to a more complex sound example of Granulator with a singing bowl as sound source embedded in a bit of long reverb.of interesting sounds.

Granulator II also offers two multimode filters in series to further shape the resulting timbre. Granulator II is the latest incarnation of a series of granular based synthesizers I wrote for my own usage since the invention of MaxMSP in 1997.

Here’s an audio preview:

Audio Player

The instrument is a free download (CC BY-NC 3.0 license). See Henke’s site for details.

via Ronnie Rekkerd

9 thoughts on “Free Max For Live Synth, Granulator II

  1. I was on the fence about whether M4L would be worth it to me since my programming skills are laughable. But since buying it, I haven’t once regretted it. There are so many ridiculously talented people like Henke out there sharing their creations, it’s turned out to be a very worthwhile purchase.

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