B. Serrano has released Dionysos, a free software synthesizer for Windows.
- 16 voices polyphonic.
- Substractive, FM and additive synthesis.
- Full MDI learn implementation.
- Envelope & LFO Host syncable.
- 32 steps graphic sequencer.
- Many filters.
- XY pad.
- Tons of modulations.
Dionysos is available as a free download from the bserrano site.
If you’ve used Dionysos, let us know what you think of it!
via rekkerd
Wow! Yet another VSTi created with SynthEdit!
It must sound very original and unique.
Actually it does.
And yes, non-programmers actually does use pre-built frameworks to build stuff! Amazing!
Do you also hate Reaktor and Audiomulch
I bet you have never built anything in your lifetime, or are afraid to show off because you’d know people would trash it on baseless reasons without giving it a second thought just like you do.
Jealous Mac user or something?
Some developer spends days building something cool and then shares it for free and that’s somehow a bad thing?
One suggestion for the developer, though – free app developers would get a lot more downloads if they would share audio demos of their apps.
In fact, there is a link to SoundCloud on the bserrano site, with demos of the sounds.
Downloading that sexy beast!
Its great apps like these here, that make me smile and say, more power to those that write and share freely. Hats off to you folks, I certainly love them. I am a big user of Sonigen…..
Your efforts are appreciated.
And I am a big user of Reaktor!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t forget Outsim’s SynthMaker, which is included in FL Studio.
And this paradigm is not new. Back in the ’80s the Amiga was the first computer with drag and drop programming tools. The scientific community would be wasting hundreds of thousands of man hours without tools like LabView and Mathematica. Complaining about using such tools is like deriding a carpenter for using a plane instead of his fingernails to smooth a board. Why reinvent the wheel a thousand times? Should every software synth project be required to literally start with int main(c,0) and nothing else?
Good point, all programs should start with “#include ” instead of “int main (c,0)”
(lame joke, I know ;-))
Dionysos: love the name !
It looks well-appointed to me, with a nice GUI. Nobody doesn’t like a stout mod matrix!
My question goes in a different direction: how many such synths do you need before you are Covered? Once you have essentially all possible means of sound production available, especially with samples, will Dionysos offer you more than an incremental gain in “power?” I enjoy getting LED Tan as much as anyone; that’s why I’m here, heh heh. I simply wonder about the real musical gains. (I use a Mac, but my options are too numerous to argue platforms. I’d love to demo a couple of the great H. G. Fortune synths, but that sure doesn’t hobble me.)
I’d rather spend time composing and playing. Fitting yet another synth into my rig doesn’t seem like sensible progress. The time and CPU/disk consumption are serious considerations. I deleted two synths in reaching my current happier point. Their functions were duplicated elsewhere and they were not so distinct as to be justfiable. I lean on Logic’s EXS sampler a lot because its so well integrated, my play-to-work ratio looks far better than it once did. Over time, you synthesize the right rig for you as much as you synthesize any sound,
So if you take Dionysos on, exactly how will it better what you are doing? I’m curious about other people’s angles on it.
You have to give yourself time to learn new gear and apps, otherwise you end up spending your time learning your synths instead of making music.
That’s why things like Komplete have never appealed to me. Is there any way you’re going to really learn 40 apps and figure out how to use them before NI releases an even bigger collection?
Yeah, that 40-apps thing is my exact “issue.” I first ask “Does this do anything my current gear cannot?” Second, “How much disk space and CPU cycles are we talking about?” Third, “Will I use this at least 25% of the time in my work?”
I ogle Minimonsta a lot, partly because a friend uses it and is quite happy with its muscle. I resist because I have the option of stacking sounds and filters, so I can pretty easily zero in on a rich Moog sound. That classic filter does have a certain inner magic, but I’ve found I can get 90% there with a little careful resonance and effecting. No, its not heresy, heh. I started with a MiniMoog, so I understand the feel.
Being so familiar with my rig that I can simply reach for things instinctively is sublime. I still enjoy some tweaking, but now, I can concentrate on the notes almost as easily as I did when I first approached the piano as a kid. So consider a new synth seriously; you’ll only get the best from it if you really embrace it regularly.
This is actually quite an impressive plugin, I quite admire the variety which this critter provides. Although an obvious approach seems to be aimed at pads / scapes (personal favorite) simply playing with the presets quickly shows you that there’s much more.
For example; I really enjoyed the “Evangelios” preset, especially after messing with the cutoff a bit and applying varies amounts of chorus and vibrato.
And then I discovered the ‘Trance gate’ presets… Keep in mind; I’m quite a fan of the ‘Aligator’ audio effect in Reason. And although this isn’t a three band gateway (duh!) it still manages to produce some pretty interesting effects. Effects which become more appealing the moment you discover that its basically done by applying a sort of “automation like envelope”.
Which is what I generally like best about this critter; the different approach. Way too many software producers seem stuck in the old stuff, you know; “An envelope is ADSR and nothing else”. This VST takes things to a whole different level, and I like that. Because that little “obfuscation” is most likely allowing you to do things which you normally might not have done because “its wrong”.
My only gripe with this device is that its not easily usable on a 1024 x 768 resolution. I don’t mind the device filling up the entire screen, but a large section of the right side gets cut off and doesn’t display, thus making it impossible for me to use those features (selecting panels, LFO steps, etc.).
I know many people use higher resolutions. The reason I mention this though is because the author also provides solutions to use his VST on Windows 2000, talk about an old operating system… As such I was kind of surprised that it failed a little on the resolution aspect.
So although I won’t be using it I still think its a very impressive piece of work, something I’d definitely advice picking up. Esp. if you’re still new to all this (and use a higher monitor resolution ;-)).
i’ll take a couple
I am running Ableton Live 8 in Windows 7 and it seems I can’t use a variety of simple (probably SynthEdit) plug-ins. Is anyone else having this problem? Will I be forced to run Live in XP Compatibility mode?