Musikmesse 2013: Detune has introduced Korg M01D – music workstation for the Nintendo 3DS based on the Korg M1. The Korg M01D reproduces the M1’s digital sounds of the 80’s, including the iconic house sound, M1 piano.
Korg M01D offers 24 voice-polyphony, over 300 sounds and an easy to operate sequencer in a palm-size package.
Here’s a preview of Korg M01D in action:
Song data and MIDI data can be saved to an SD card so the KORG M01D can be used as a sketchpad. You can preserve all of your musical ideas which can be later converted to your DAW system for more serious music production. In addition, you can exchange song data using Nintendo 3DS Wi-Fi via the Internet.
KORG M01D Main Specifications
- 8 part multi-timbral synthesizer with 342 sounds (max 24 voices)
- includes all of the original sounds from the KORG M1, selected sounds from the KORG 01/w and some all new sounds developed for the M01
- Master effects: Reverb and Delay
- 8 track/max 64 step sequencer for 1 scene/ up to 99 scenes
- Sound browser, Mixer, Keyboard
- Easy input ‘KAOSS’ mode for notes, chords and drums using the touch screen
- Exchange song data with other Nintendo 3DS using Nintendo local wireless communication and via the Internet
- 3D viewing of M01D on the 3D Screen
Release date: May 2013 – Japan. Summer 2013 – worldwide
Price: TBD
See the Detune site for details.
via fsk1138
Damnit KORG! Stop being so fuggen awesome already!
What no ipad version
Now there is!
Huh, that’s funny. I was JUST looking at the Korg M01 for the Nintendo DS the other day, but it’s crazy expensive because you have to import it from Japan and thus, not worth it ($125).
Of course, now I’d have to get a Nintendo 3DS to get this (already own a Korg 01wfd though)…
I think I’d prefer an ipad app, but only because this would be my only reason to buy a 3DS.
WTF Korg is just ON A ROLL.
MS20 mini
Volca line grooveboxes
?King Korg… (Is that actually a thing that puts them ‘on a roll’?)
I think it is great that Korg have finally decided to release the M01 worldwide!
I already have their DS-10 synthesizer and despite the fact that the Nintendo DS is very limited when it comes to integration with the rest of the studio, these little workstations are simply great creativity tools. Not necessarily the tools you want to write complete songs on, but perfect for quick musical brainstorming! And sometimes just drawing random shapes in the sequencer grid with the stylus results in some totally cool sequences you would have never thought of otherwise
I also loved the grid sequencer on DS-10 for the same reasons as Gerald, just draw some shapes and pick out the bits that sound cool! I would love it if iMS-20 had a similar sequencer. iMS-20 is like a super-version of DS-10, but the grid sequencer is the one it lacks.
Anyone know of a grid sequencer that I could use on iMS-20 via CoreMIDI?
You can try Genome MIDI sequencer, which is the closest thing to ds-10/M01 piano-roll sequencer on iOS-and in many ways far better-, except for the song mode which is pretty confusing. There’s also Synergy Studio, which has a clever song mode (pretty much like ds’s M01: just set the patterns one after another, muting undesired parts) and some fancy sequencing features (arpeggiator, mixer and tempo automations…). Of course, you must set background mode on and check out the MIDI settings (on iMS20, channel 1 is the synth, channels 2,3…the drums).
Still, if you like to work directly out of the sequencer, I don´t think there’s an iOS app with a sequencer as fast, fun, and yet flexible enough as KORG M01 for Nintendo DS (neither an app as inspired and inspiring as DS10..), so this new version, with the MIDI export feature, is big news to me.
Gerald, I use the ds 10 quite a bit, in fact I have two, as you probably know you can sync up to five ds 10 s with the wi fi option. So I sync the two ds 10s, and on the second unit I pan all sounds to hard right except one drum track, which gets panned hard left. Assign a short snare to that track and using a stereo splitter send that track to the sync in on my monotribe. I believe I used an eighth note pattern and it works perfectly to sync the mono tribe. Could sync a number of drum machines with a sync in ( not Roland sync). So yes you can integrate ds 10 with your studio. Pity the ds doesn’t use WIST. I hope this info is useful to someone.
hmmm… Stumbled on a couple of really nice demos on a synth forum, and it made me think about getting one of those bigger 3DSs for my daughter.
This is not a Korg Product, it’s by “Detune”, it appears that they are licensing the Korg brand from Korg
Detune is the Japanese company behind not only these Nintendo “games” but also the iPad apps (and a Yamaha FM synth app).
Me, I think I’d buy the M1 iPad app in a heartbeat…but I prefer making music without a stylus, thanks.
I vastly prefer stylus. Smudging notes with your(…I mean my) finger is pain in the @SS!!! Theres not many things, where I would use multitouch rather than a midi keyboard.
I love iPad, but for sequencing, the stylus is just better. In fact, stylus is my favorite form of music WRITING.
Keep em coming Detune, no matter what platform, I will buy it. I promise. I would like to see MS-3DS next(indeed, with that grid), and after that I would love a Wii U synth:
-Detune could make a deal with Korg and Nintendo to release, say 60€ midi keyboard with a Wii U synth, and the Wii U’s tablet would work as its screen and it would connect with NFC.
-The synth would be deep of course, and at least have a VA and sampler, as well as versatile sequencer with micro editing and sharing functions
-But the main view would be family friendly, having options for Piano lessons, and Karaoke
-They could sell songs and sounds via DLC
-It would teach my nephew the songs I have made, or bought from the online store
-The Wii U’s tablet would be awesome for music writing
Does this comment section work???
I vastly prefer stylus. Smudging notes with your(…I mean my) finger is pain in the @SS!!! Theres not many things, where I would use multitouch rather than a midi keyboard.
I love iPad, but for sequencing, the stylus is just better. In fact, stylus is my favorite form of music WRITING.
Keep em coming Detune, no matter what platform, I will buy it. I promise. I would like to see MS-3DS next(indeed, with that grid), and after that I would love a Wii U synth:
-Detune could make a deal with Korg and Nintendo to release, say 60€ midi keyboard with a Wii U synth, and the Wii U’s tablet would work as its screen and it would connect with NFC.
-The synth would be deep of course, and at least have a VA and sampler, as well as versatile sequencer with micro editing and sharing functions
-But the main view would be family friendly, having options for Piano lessons, and Karaoke
-They could sell songs and sounds via DLC
-It would teach my nephew the songs I have made, or bought from the online store
-The Wii U’s tablet would be awesome for music writing
I really like the Korg DS-10/DS-10 Plus apps – some of my favorite “games” on the handheld. Now if you could just sync them with M01D for a monster Nintendo pocket synth!
I just brought my 3DS off of my son and ordered DS-10+ earlier today and now I find this – good times.