UVI has released Digital Synsations, a new library that features the sounds of four classic 90s synths:
- The Yamaha SY77 combines next generation FM synthesis with 16-bit sampled sounds from internal memory or stored on removable ROM cards. The AFM engine on these synths allows you to freely apply filters and envelopes to any of the sampled sounds and then roll the resulting waveforms back into the FM algorithm prior to further filtering. This novel approach, dubbed RCM hybrid synthesis, can be used to yield extremely versatile sonic results.
- The Korg M1 employs AI (Advanced Integrated) synthesis, a hybrid synthesis engine that allows the creation of sounds made up of 16-bit multisamples or harmonic tables generated from by digital analysis from sample data similar to additive synthesis. These methods can be employed in parallel for even greater sonic diversity.
- The Ensoniq VFX used a wavetable like synthesis method similar to that of the PPG Wave. Up to 6 waves can combined and layered into a single patch which feeds an impressive array of dual multi-mode filters, three 11-stage envelopes, an LFO and a 24-bit effects processor. Advanced parameter mapping allows up to 15 sources to be used for extremely complex modulations and sound shaping.
- The Roland D50 provided a purely digital signal path allowing the combination of 8-bit PCM samples with linear arithmetic synthesis to produce single hybrid sounds or complex cross modulations between the two. Furthermore you could layer two of these sounds together into a patch for a total of 4 digital OSCs. Each OSC could be independently programmed resulting in a remarkable variety of tonal possibilities.
Here’s a preview of Digital Synsations in action:
Digital Synsations includes over 500 patches programmed on a Yamaha SY77, Korg M1, Roland D50 and Ensoniq VFX.
Here are audio demos of Digital Synsations:
Digital Synsations is available at the UVI site for $199.
Classic sounds of the 90’s, that was the decade that was overwhelmingly bland when it came to synths, not a place I’d like to revisit.
Great presets. I’m a sucker for 90s sounds but can’t help but wonder about this product. First, the pricing. If they offered 4 authentic emulations for 200 quid, I guess that would make it a bargain. But it’s presets. Sure they’re editable, but still. Presets. Secondly, have they heard of a company called Korg and a product called the Korg Legacy Collection? For a hundred, you can pick up a full M1 and Wavestation with every sound card every released for them, and still have change for an FM type synth. Between the two of them, that’s easily over 500 presets. Don’t get me wrong, I love this kind of product, but I think it’s a wee bit over priced.
I agree, I like what UVI does, but to come out with an M1 focused library when the original company that made the synth beat you to it by 5 years and are still highly active in the same realm seems a little weird to me. Might have been more interesting if they had chosen a different, perhaps more obscure, early digital synth.
Like you said, there are hundreds of presets on the original sound cards that come with the Korg Legacy Collection, and best of all, these presets were created by the original and authentic professional sound designers from the period!
These products appear because people remain fascinated by three realms: the really old & magical (modular Moogs, WASPs, etc.), the “Second Wave” of synths that were basically now stable to use, such as the D-50; and that endless, elusive ruckus for the Next Big Thing. Sampling makes the first two easily had and the third, we holler about on here all the time, which is good fun.
Setting aside a thorny debate over what constitutes a “composer,” the main thing to consider is this: do those vintage sounds inspire you to take on new, serious (or more fun) projects? If Zawinul could make an M1 piano rock, anything is fair game. Just don’t let the romance of old synths matter more than your ideas. I’ve owned hardware from all of those companies and yeah, they have their respectable magic, but in the end, what works best for me and several friends is to stick with a meaningful core rig, branching out only after careful consideration. The reality is that there is a tradeoff between the whiz-bang versus the housekeeping.
This is not a bad product at all, but if you have Legacy or a sampler that will load SFZ files, you are already well-covered. Moog isn’t the only maker whose gear has become immortal on the breeze of millions of samples. Weigh new gear against what you can already do. Carrying one watermelon under each arm is plenty. If you put a third one between your legs, you just look like an obscene duck. Same with Synth Overload. :))
I’m glad somebody out there is paying attention to the late 80’s and 90’s synths and keyboards. There is more to electronic instruments then just the 70’s and early 80’s.
Again, a UVI product with a beautiful GUI and intriguing instruments…but it all falls down to a hefty pricetag. These are, after all, just sample libraries.
At least they do demos these days.
This would have been better placed as individual products for $50 each, 2 for $80, all 4 for $150.