iMini Update Adds AudioBus Support

Arturia has updated iMini, adding AudioBus support and more.

Here’s an overview of iMini 1.1 by Product Manager, Glen Darcey.

What’s New in Version 1.1

  • Audiobus – connect iMini to GarageBand and other DAWS.
  • Background audio: iMini responds to midi even in the background
  • Virtual midi: iMini responds to other apps that send midi
  • Ignore midi devices: select midi devices to not respond too

iMini is currently $9.99 in the App Store.

18 thoughts on “iMini Update Adds AudioBus Support

  1. Great update, but one thing I’ve noticed is that it takes much longer to start and also show the load patch dialog, if you’ve imported even one bank.
    Happens even with an iPad4.

      1. What, so you’ve imported a bank created in the desktop version and imported into iOS and noticed no significant difference in load times?

        1. sorry, my bad. i misunderstood you. i thought you simply meant the start-up time and loading a program from a bank. i haven’t tried what you just mentioned.

  2. Be sure to watch the new video here. It has several tips for using functions that were available in v1.0 but not obvious on the front-panel: for example, expanding the LFO amount of your third oscillator; engaging the feedback loop; and varying the pulse width.

  3. Great… But I can’t get it to work with any sequencer I have, arpeggionome, steppolyarp, little midi, even sound cells :/

    1. virtual midi won’t work with beatmaker 2 either… But it does with Nlog!?!

      By enabling “midi passthrough” in Nlog, it fowards BM2 midi to iMini. It works but it’s not that convenient: the apps saturate my iPad 3 pretty fast.

      This subpar virtual midi implementation (no midi clock and the stuck notes) leaves me a bit baffled.
      Is this somekind of shameless cargo cult situation: some under-qualified iOS programmer was given legacy raw code of the vst for a port?

      How the f**k businesses dealing with hardware synths and very elaborate vsts (Arturia) and music workstations (Retronyms) have so much difficulties emulating talented lone dude iOS programmers!
      Arturia name is on it: problems with basic MIDI !
      FFS they are not amateurs and this is not a beta test!

      I really like iMini, it sounds great and it’s pretty! But the half-assed execution make it hard to use or consider as serious as nlog, magellan, thumbjam, sunriser, artickeys, animoog, ect…

  4. Great… But I can’t get it to work with any sequencer I have, arpeggionome, steppolyarp, little midi, even sound cells

  5. There is no clock sync, but it certainly works with steppolyarp, arpeginome, LMM and sound cells, although I had to use Midibridge for sound cells.
    I’ve not tried anything else as it’s nearly 6am, but I’ll try some other things out tomorrow.

  6. Well as with all my apps it states its connected both in imini and steppolyarp but nothing is happening, I’m not sure if I’m missing something here, I’m not exactly a beginner.

    1. Virtual MIDI hasn’t been implemented properly – well, certainly not to the same standard as we’re used to; it just needs a little tweak, but I can assure you that all the apps you say don’t work, do.
      I intend to try more apps after several coffees.
      I asked a question once regarding the relationship between Arturia and Retronyms and who exactly did what, In regards to coding.
      If Arturia did the VM and Audiobus, it may explain it – who knows.

      1. MIDI is OMNI only, but I’ve also tested the following apps and got them to work: 

        Without MB
        Thumbjam, Gestrument, Soundprism Pro, Genome.

        With MB
        Phaedra, Polychord, Orphion, iJammer, BM2, Nodebeat HD.

  7. I’m guessing that I-mini was rushed into AudioBus bandwagon a bit too soon, as I too am having compatibility issues w/this app.. Remember when Animoog updated their app and we all lost our beloved patches?? I’m sure a fix is on the way from Arturia…

  8. i just tried this real quick and although midibridge shows imini recieving midi – nothing comes through.
    glad this is being implemented though.

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