Here’s another sneak preview of the MacBeth Nexus synthesizer, from creator Ken MacBeth.
Here’s what he has to say about the video demo:
When I’m testing gear that I’m designing- it’s quite exciting!….sometime I have to record/vid. Here is three of the NEXUS (prototype) being driven by a Korg SQ-10 sequencer- the fourth osc is cross modding the higher pitched square wave osc. It’s great fun running a three track analogue sequencer into this thing!
Spacey effects are as usual with this device- the Dual Tape Delay Simulators- no other effects! Today- on screen- I basically finished the synthesizer.
I’m looking forward to submitting the data to manufacture next week…!
via macbethsynthesizers:
sounds great , kinda wish there were standard keys or mini keys on this guys but well done.
Sounds Great
Its gonna be a success nontheless
Monster Machine
That, is a filter.
I’m always so excited about Macbeth synths. The filtered sound is freakin awesome, I can’t wait until I can afford it or get a credit card
Looking really interresting. But I am still wondering if those two circuit bords with pots on are to be part of this of just extra fxs.
Love the keyboard btw
keyboard players are not going to like the keyboard… why wasn’t the Wasp a huge seller?
Keyboard players who don’t like this amazing keyboard will use it as an expander. They’re sure to have a few midi “classic” keyboards hanging around.
Touch capacitance synthesizers are the future of music and encompass everything from iPad’s, iPhone’s, ribbon controllers, synthesizers, and other touchscreen capable devices. The MacBeth Nexus synthesizer is a great addition to a long line of innovative musical instruments such as the Buchla Music Easel, Haken Continuum, Minimoog Voyager XL, Ondes Martenot, Seaboard Grand, Wasp Synthesizer, and the Yamaha CS-80.
This is a horrible demonstration of an instrument of this caliber a nearly 8 minute chiptune arpeggiated musical piece that shows nothing of the range or extensive capabilities of a truly innovative musical instrument. Given the price of £2500 and the quality build of the synthesizer, you would expect more. This video demonstration is self-indulgent and is rather arrogant in that it explains virtually nothing to potential prospective buyers of the instrument.