Liu Hao has released LH Rubbing – a free polyphonic software synthesizer app for iPad.
Here’s what Hao has to say about LH Rubbing:
- There are three wave oscillators, one noise oscillator, two LFOs and one three type embedded filter (low-pass, hi-pass and bandpass).
- Each wave oscillator can generate three kinds of waveform which are triangle, square and saw wave.
- LFO can be attached to different modul for different modulation or control such as OSC Pitch, PW, Filter Cutoff Frequency, Filter Resonance and OSC Output Mixing.
- The frequency and amplitude of the 1st LFO can be modified by the 2nd LFO.
- Pitch, Filter Cutoff Frequency and Resonance can be controlled by the ADSR envelope generator.
- The Keyboard Rubbing brings up vibrato while control the vibrato rate and depth.
If you try LH Rubbing, let us know what you think of it!
Nice!! Thanks Liu!!!
Hmm… not keen on the way to select things were I have to browse through everything to come to the last thing. Its ok with OSC were I noly have to browse through three. But t takes way to long time with the presets. I want to press the preset I want and its loaded. So not to keen on the load button either. Åresets also takes waaaay to long to load.
Why cant I decide were my lfo goes to freely? That is, well to be hones, just stupid. Of some reason I cant select touchpad when I am in the banks??
Its not the strongest synth engine I have seen either. Presets are ok, not not great.
Personally I am not a fan of the sliders istead of knobs.
So there is much to be desired in this one.
_But_, and this I why I bothered writing. The touchpad is quite a little stroke of genious. Very smart to put in all those parameters just with a touch of a button. And make it able to modulate all at the same time. This really has potential. Love that I can see whats going on when I move my finger across the pad due to simply darkened synth surface.
All in all, stronger engine and let us freely decide wht modulat what. And change tha selection methode.
while some of the points are well considered, i think you’ve also missed something here:
****it’s free****
some of the stuff you’re mentioning could no doubt be worked out if this was being done with some sort of remuneration possible at the back end.
so, this comment is sort of along the lines of looking a gift horse in the mouth.
in any event, i think there are some interesting things in this synth. it would be nice to see some improvements and—yes—i would probably something for a better version of this.
thanks to the dev for the gift synth.
Am I supposed to give all free stuff all thumbs up just course it’s free? Dont think so.
“If you try LH Rubbing, let us know what you think of it!”
And thats what I did
Nice synth Liu!!! Nice ideas in the layout and Pad control!!
MIDI compatibility? Impressive layout and fairly robust sound. Nicely done.
Thank you Liu.
I just tried. I’m looking for an iPad analog synth that has a more traditional interface. This one has, and it’s free. There are many other free synths that I can’t relate to when looking at their UI, at least not immediately. This easily allows me to apply my beginner level analog synthesis know-how. I’m just a bit bothered when to read the “LH Rubbing (Recording)” that appears when I exit the app.
does anyone know how to record on ipad? plese help me!!