Teenage Engineering OP-1 Update Adds New Synth Engine & Effect

Teenage Engineering has updated the OS for the OP-1 synthesizer, adding a new synth engine and effect.

Here are the details.

  • The DNA engine is a noise engine capable of complete aggression and fax machine battle while at the same time possessing the ability for harmonic tonal leads and chords.
  • The CWO FX is a Frequency Shifter with a wide range that make it possible to do phasing, flanging, chorus, tremelo, ring mod and comb filter types of sounds. You have to hear it to believe it. CWO also represents the first partnership by Teenage Engineering with an outside developer to co-op code to add to the OP-1’s already heavy arsenal of sound capability. This developer is the one and only sonic master mind Magnus Lidström of Sonic Charge.

It’s a free download at the TE site.

17 thoughts on “Teenage Engineering OP-1 Update Adds New Synth Engine & Effect

  1. Yes, I love the OP-1 more and more. I initially had harsh comments about it when it 1st came out. However, I received one as a gift and have had a hard time putting it down. I take it everywhere I go except to the toilet :). TE have made quite an amazing little hardware synth. It has a unique look and sound. Their commitment to updates beyond bugfixes and into further OS development and features have been a testament to their dedication. Also, by continuing to add synths, effects, and third party collaborations, they’ve really made the OP-1’s future bright and entertaining as well. The CWO effect is killer, but I almost like their in-house developed DNA noise synth even more, especially with its percussive sonic variations and kaleidoscope Graphic display…very trippy!!

  2. When this wonderfull “thing” hits 300$ I would grab it in a heartbeat. Mabey at the most 400$. I totally get it why its so expensive, and Over time I must say I see it a lot differently than I did in the begining. Im suprized they havnt brought out a larger model or one thats waterproof, then the risk of taking it everywhere as a portable unit would start to make more sense

    1. I tend to avoid synthesized “aggression”, glitches, anything 8-bit sounding or less, etc. But the sounds in this video are fantastic, I have to admit! It might be time to max out another credit card for one of these IKEA synths!

  3. “I initially had harsh comments about it when it 1st came out. ”

    Same here. I talked mad yang on it for a couple of years. Then, I warmed up to it, and last week I got one.

    It’s the most inspiring instrument I’ve ever owned. I haven’t been this creative with sound in over 15 years.

    I’m selling most of my hardware, and will probably be keeping only the OP-1 and iPad as my main set up. Going for a completely portable, battery-powered rig. I want to be able to fit my entire studio in a single backpack.

  4. The OP-1 draws me into designing patches in a way that no other synth has. It’s a perfect size to carry (I use a 1965 American Tourister briefcase in case of rain) and I love the keyboard even with no velocity or aftertouch. With the latest release, it has become incredibly richer and more complex sounding, but not at the cost of of complication.
    As mentioned by someone earlier, when paired with an iPad, it’s a very complete rig. And I can carry it in one hand.

  5. I don’t understand why people regard the OP-1 as a pricy toy but think the mini MS20 as a cheap and wonderful must have. I think it’s just that most fell for the analog hype.
    The mini MS20 is not cheap enough because it’s recycled from existing blueprints with no innovation beyond adding a dumb Midi Out and a recycled MS20 KLC controller housing.
    Included with the OP-1 price is obviously the constant development of future updates.
    That’s the kind of customer care I want to see from more instrument producers.
    Korg, Yamaha,Kurzweil and Roland have all gone the way of selling their old stuff in a new packaging with nearly no value added.

    1. I thought about it as expensive (maybe because of its size and toyish looks) but it is by far my most used piece of hardware. And when I think about the hours I´ve spent with it, it is actually not expensive at all.

  6. It’s a lot of money to pay out for a tiny thing with one out put. It seems it is aimed at those with v little background in music tech. My first synthesiser………………da da da, casio VL tone style design .

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