New Synthrotek Eurorack Module (Sneak Preview)

This video offers a sneak preview of the upcoming Synthrotek Eurorack Clock Capture Module.

The module is one of three upcoming Eurorack modules they have planned: CV input APC, 4 CV input CHAOS NAND, and the Clock Capture Module.

Here’s what they have to say about the new module:

Check the first demo of our new eurorack module, the Clock Capture Module. I am ‘capturing’ the clock out of one of my songs off the Nintendo Korg Ds-8. The CCM allows you to detect a clock via an audio source. A panned stereo signal enters the CCM where the right channel is ‘converted’ into a clock pulse and the left is sent out ‘thru’ and out to you mixer. A GREAT way to connect your non midi gear into your modular setup. This will be sold in a kit form and as a completed module. You can use: a CD, player, casette deck, nintendo, Abelton, etc.

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