Incident Tech Announces Updated App, Ableton Scripts For gTar MIDI Guitar

updated gtar app free play menuIncident Tech today announced the next generation of their gTar iOS app to work with their gTar MIDI guitar.

Developers have “overhauled the UI and redesigned the app from scratch to make it more fun and easier to use.”

Changes in the new version include:

  • Improved visibility of the UI with big buttons, larger fonts and vibrant colors  Two large buttons to jump right into Play and Free Play, larger social feed, and our trusty logo.
  • A more cohesive navigation bar that would span every play mode. All the buttons and sliders are clearly defined and are more easily accessible.
  • Added new features to the playing options menu. Now users can change the instrument of any song in the app, a feature previously only available in Free Play mode. Developers have also overhauled the instrument list to add five brand new instruments ranging from a bass to a violin to a marimba.
  • When using the Free Play feature, all the menus are streamlined and each button is color-coded across the top and bottom for easy visibility.

Ableton Scripts. In addition, Incident Tech has released the first unofficial “native” control script for the gTar. This allows the user to light up a full-color Live set on the fretboard of the gTar and toggle between triggering in Clip Mode and live playing “with the pluck of a string.”

Pricing and Availability. The gTar MIDI guitar retails for $399, and the updated gTar app is free at the Apple iTunes App Store. The iOS SDK is available via the gTar website.

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