Controllerist Yehezkel Raz gives Ableton Push a workout on Paganini Etude for Push, a series of original variations on a theme by classical composer Niccolò Paganini.
Check it out and let us know what you think!
via yehezkel raz
Controllerist Yehezkel Raz gives Ableton Push a workout on Paganini Etude for Push, a series of original variations on a theme by classical composer Niccolò Paganini.
Check it out and let us know what you think!
via yehezkel raz
That was great! Enjoyed all the pieces!! Improve too! Kind of want to get a Push now
I wonder what it is difference between this and playing it on a keyboard… My apologies, in spite of the technically admirable performance a completely pointless exercise to me. Especially the sound is… I don’t have the right word, but as if I heard sounds like this before.
It’s nice to see that the pitch controlling interface functions in a classic and musically relevant way. Considering that this push can fit in a smaller bag than a keyboard and allows you a whole bunch of fully featured control.
I enjoy any sort of virtuousity no matter what form it takes.
a new way of playing piano
its like having 8 one octave pianos stacked on atop another. If you have an ipad, try mugician (its free), it will give you an idea how fun it can be.
Sick !!!!!!!!!!! Now i really want to try out a push with my drummer in a live setting. that repeat setting seems dope !!!
Great on every level, playing programming and a nod to historic synth performance. “Switched on Paganini” anyone?
woooa..a video from modern gear and the sounds ins’t dubstep or trap! great
THIS is what I always cross my fingers to hear when an alternate controller is center stage. First he rendered something familiar extremely well; then it was more synth-y variants; and then he literally turns the thing sideways. That was musical, funny and a huge boost to Push’s image as being open-ended to play. 5 stars.
Great Job! I want this way more than Alphasphere! This is an interesting and yet functional design. Alphasphere will always be stuck in Beta cause in reality…it’s just not that great of an idea, like this. Push is so much better.
The performer is great but I don’t see nothing new in this “grid based piano scale”. a few ipad apps already have this feature. of course no tactile feel or velocity response.
anyway, Devs…wheres my Push iPad app/emulator?
I’m with you on tactile feedback. I’ve played dozens of instruments and that’s always been the main make-or-break factor. I’m impressed by people who are better oscillator-heads than me, such as those random modular players who make your ears perk up, but Tactile should generally be King. As fine as most of the tools are now, there’s no casual way to reach the point where suddenly, you have a cyborg thing going, where the circuitry and your fingers sync as your own voice. That simply demands enough woodshedding.
I might also disagree with you a bit, because outside of our lively niche tribe, its asking a lot of a casual listener to interpret finger pressure on a pad routed to the filters. That’s why Mr. Raz rocks: he covered all the bases.
Great musician, great tool.
I’ll definitely follow what Jehezkel will be doing next. Musically it’s very well performed., it’s great to see that he is using the scale change buttons as part of the performance The push offers a musician composer a way to explore new ground. Classical music was formed by the fingering patterns that are easy to play on a piano keybord layout. The grid matrix layout will spawn (?) a whole new genre of harmonies and key patterns. We’ll see whole new generation of grid virtuosi appear in the next year. It’ll be very interesting to see what direction this wil take.