Thor Synthesizer App & Novation Launchkey On The iOS Update

The latest episode of Mitch Gallagher’s iOS Update takes a look at Thor synthesizer for iPad and the Novation Launchkey


Mitch takes a look at the Thor polyphonic synthesizer app by Propellerhead. It’s the same synth as found in their Reason DAW software – you can even load patches you created on this app into Thor in your Reason software.

After that, Mitch circles back to a product he’s presented in the past, the Novation Launchkey. Mitch explains how to set up the camera connection kit so that your iPad can provide power to the Launchkey keyboard.

via SweetwaterSound

8 thoughts on “Thor Synthesizer App & Novation Launchkey On The iOS Update

  1. As much as I like Thors sound I’ve found tempo sync problems, anyone else? Seems to go out of time within a couple of bars, nightmare when recording sequences into my DAW. Also it has that annoying fiddly BPM slider took about a minute to dial in 125bpm!

      1. Experimenting on the train with a simple 4/4 beat on dm1 and a 4/4 sequence running on Thor and it deffo goes out of sync quite quickly… But, I have found that if the start button on the top right is activated the sequence stays in sync! I’ve looked through the manual but it doesn’t describe this behaviour only that it’s supposed to act as the start button in Reason. Does seem like a timing bug.

    1. I thought it was only me mate. Cubasis 90=Thor (about!#$>|)90.7! Or 8? I thought there would have been loads of replies on this issue because it makes dormant such a great synth’s greatest (one of ’em) attributes, it’s step sequencer. Between writing songs and sleeping I have searched a little about the bpm in Thor but found nought ’til now.

  2. Experimenting on the train with a simple 4/4 beat on dm1 and a 4/4 sequence running on Thor and it deffo goes out of sync quite quickly… But, I have found that if the start button on the top right is activated the sequence stays in sync! I’ve looked through the manual but it doesn’t describe this behaviour only that it’s supposed to act as the start button in Reason. Does seem like a timing bug.

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