Hirlostek Bright Noise Cable Adds Noise To Your Synth

bright-noise-cableThe Hirlostek Bright Noise Cable is a 1/4″ patch cable with a built-in noise generator.


  • Suitable for all synths and pedals that have 5v available on the ring of the jack (ie expression pedal).
  • Can be use for audio and modulation.
  • Can bring noise at the audio input of any synth that lack noise osc. (Moog© Little phatty, Minitaur, moogerfoogers).
  • Can bring extra modulation to Voyager, Cp251, etc…
  • 50cm cable
  • Neutrik jacks

The Hirlostek Bright Noise Cable is priced at 45,45 Euro. See the Touellskouarn site for details.

11 thoughts on “Hirlostek Bright Noise Cable Adds Noise To Your Synth

  1. at first i thought this was nuts, but since it’s purpose is to add an additional “noise oscillator” to synths that don’t have one, via their inputs, it’s actually a pretty cool idea.

  2. Website says it’s military quality. I’m sure that it is but I wouldn’t want to take a Little Phatty into combat myself. If I were strong enough I’d take a Yamaha CS80. You could beat someone to death with that provided you could swing it. Probably have to do a Wily Coyote number and drop it on him.

    Anyway, the noise cable is a good idea.

    1. That is the funniest comment. I’ll throw in my box of noisy cables as well (hey, for free too!). Jokes aside, I do understand that it adds a noise generator to analogue synths but misinterpretation is inevitable here 🙂

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