Yamaha has updated TNR-I, it’s iPad version of the Tenori On, adding AudioBus, Inter-App Audio and more.
The Tenori On is a visual sequencer. On the 16 × 16 grid of buttons, the horizontal direction is time, and the vertical direction is pitch
By laying sounds on these buttons, you can combine rhythms and melodies to produce music. A button will glow when its sound is produced. The movements of the glowing lights also produce a visual performance.
Here’s what’s new in TNR-I v1.5:
- Compatible with Inter-App Audio features (iOS 7 and above, not including iPhone4)
- Instrument App can be assigned to each layer during performance.
- Compatible with Audiobus
- Sound Cloud browser window added – TNR-i songs upload to Sound Cloud can be played.
- Guide screen added – Pressing and holding the L button or the R button will bring up the user guide. This feature can be turned off by selecting System Menu –> Guide and “”None.””
- Bug fixes
Note: Early reviews indicate that MIDI support is missing in action in this version. “The Good: We now have Audiobus support. The (VERY) bad: MIDI implementation is still gone. Version 1.4.4 was the last one to support MIDI, and I have beat my head against the wall with Yamaha customer service, and i simply can’t get through to the right people who can help. ”
If you’re a TNR-I user, let us know how it works for you.
TNR-I is available in the App Store.
No midi out in this version!
@Jon: iOS 7 integrates audio and MIDI! Here’s a video of TNR-i controlling iMini:
Besides “no midi” it is not available outside of US which is too bad. Yamaha, do something with that!
@Tajnost: Sorry to hear that TNR-i is not available where you live, but it’s not true that it’s available only in the USA. I have TNR-i and I live rather far away from the US.
at last audiobus, havent use this app since i sold my real tenorion
well midi would ofcourse be good, did not now they had take it away
I don’t know what happened to my reply to Jon’s post about TNR-i not having MIDI out.
However, iOS 7 introduces inter app audio, which integrates audio and MIDI. If you look for ‘inter app audio’ on Youtube, you will find a video about TNR-i controlling iMini. I didn’t post the link since I posted it before in my reply to Jon and I think that maybe thus is the reason why that post didn’t show up. TNR-i really is a great app and I look forward to controlling other synth apps with it.
nice to hear about midi in ios7 – but for now ios7 is out of the question, to problematic
i will also say that midi is not the whole thing with tnr, it has great sounds and you can insert samples
the bad thing is that tnr-i is buggy, it destroys the loopyhd in audiobus, and with yamahas speed of updates it will take a long time i am afraid before they fix it? hope not though
I’ve been interested in picking this app up for months but I’ve always seen negative reviews regarding MIDI functionality. Wouldn’t the whole point of this be to control (via MIDI) other apps? Seems crazy that you can’t do that.
I did see Retronym’s video about using IAA, but i’m holding off on updating due to other apps having issues with iOS 7, so does that mean i’m out of luck with TNR-i doing anything but generating its own internal sounds?
I live life on the edge and so I’m always updating stuff as soon as it’s released, as in this case when I updated to ios 7 even though all the sensible voices were warning against such hastiness. “Grip it and rip it,” a great (fictional) man once said. It’s just how I live my life
As it turns out, I haven’t really had any big problems… And one of the truly pleasant surprises was opening the updated Nave and TNR-i apps and within a few seconds getting my first taste of inter-app audio. It just sort of worked! It was fairly stemless and the results were fantastic. I know I’m bit alone when I day that the TNR-i presets are among the most thoroughly annoying set of presets ever compiled by anyone ever. So having yet another workable option for replacing them is vital and necessary …for my mental health
I’m still on iOS 6 and I can trigger nave with TNR-i just fine. No need for iOS 7 to do that!
I’ve seen that YouTube clip, but can’t find the menu option the guy uses to change the instrument to an external one. Does anyone know how to do this?
I have the tnr-i app for iPhone 5. I’ve uploaded several tracks and created a souncloud account, but I can’t find the tracks. I transferred the .tnr tracks to my Mac and manually uploaded them to soundcloud, but it’s saying it’s gonna take 2 hours to process? Is that normal? Can soundcloud play .tnr tracks? How can I share tnr-i tracks with other people? Will I have more luck if I download the app on an iPad?