Novation Launchpad App Adds Audio Import

novation-launchpad-ipadNovation has updated its Launchpad app for the iPad, adding Audio Import as an in-app purchase.

Here’s what’s new in Launchpad 1.2:

  • Audio import (via In-App Purchase) – Transform Launchpad app into a powerful performance solution to play your own original music (audio import via Dropbox)
  • Improved library manager – Browse categories, packs, and favourites
  • Improved edit modes – New trigger and sync types
  • Per pad volume edit
  • Graphics overhaul
  • Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements

UPDATE: Here’s some additional information we received from Novation today (Oct 25), detailing the new Audio Import capability:

“Import WAV/AIFF samples by BPM with Dropbox (free Dropbox account required) and assign them to any Launch pad as loops or one shots. Whether from professional sample providers or exported from your own productions, combine your samples with built in and In-App purchased Launchpacks to create a unique library to perform with. New and improved Library Manager and Edit Modes – available to all users – make it quicker and easier to set up your musical grid and play.”

Pricing and Availability. Novation Launchpad is available in the App Store as a free download. Additional features and sound libraries are available as in-app purchases. The in-app purchase of Audio Import is now available for £4.99 / 5.99 Euro / $6.99.

13 thoughts on “Novation Launchpad App Adds Audio Import

  1. Import via Dropbix? OK then. It seems like a strange choice to omit iTunes or ACP import. Maybe they want to make it as awkward as possible? Lol.
    It also looks like the feature won’t be available for a couple of weeks, which seems strange as it’s the first feature listed in the update notes.
    Not at all sure what’s going on at Novation’s app development department.
    Can anyone shed any light on this, please?

  2. Yes, Dropbix is the new rival to Dropbox – I think it will soon be the market leader; you can access you data from anywhere and get all you daily fibre!

  3. Why announce the audio import “availability” if its not even available yet? Seems like a bit of a farce just to get attention. Novation, get your coding straight, THEN make the announcement, don’t be tricking people.

    Now instead of buying our exclusive loop packs, you can pay us a one-time fee to be able to import your own!!

    They’ll get you one way or another. I think charging for a dripblax import feature is a little tacky.

    1. Up there with complaining about the free app that they gave you for nothing.

      How do you want them to make money on the apps they give away?

  5. I thought this app was going to provide monome MLr style sample triggering to the iPad.. I’m extremely disappointed.

  6. This app was a freebie, so now they want to charge you to make the app fully functional. That sounds pretty fair to me. Its a great rock solid app £6 that is a snip, not even the price of two pints of beer, or a double malt. How old are you PAL?

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