R960Seq Puts Moog-Inspired Step Sequencer On Your iPad


Developer Roger Mann has released R960Seq, a software sequencer for the iPad inspired by the classic Moog Modular 960 Sequential Controller.

The R960BSeq is designed to turn your iPad into a classic step-sequencer.


  • Supports Core MIDI
  • Can control any background MIDI enabled App
  • Runs in the background
  • MIDI input for External Clock and MIDI Sync
  • Compatible with iOS MIDI interfaces
  • Supports MIDI clock and Transport

Note: R960BSeq does not generate audio, but rather send MIDI to synthesizers.

R960Seq is available now in the App Store.

If you’ve used R960Seq, leave a comment with your thoughts on it!

18 thoughts on “R960Seq Puts Moog-Inspired Step Sequencer On Your iPad

  1. Does this send midi cc messages? I’m looking for a cheap midi sequencer that will send the elusive cc message to control expression on my volca bass.

    1. Yeah, it’s perfect if you only ever want to make tracks at 125 bpm. Phaedra’s no good if you want to be able to modify the tempo in 1 bpm increments/decrements.

        1. Have you ever actually checked the tempo of your slave running off Phaedra? It ain’t what the display is telling you. Otherwise, your comment is totally smart.

  2. Why imitate a design from the 60’s, when you could design a really advanced step sequencer that takes advantage of the potential of the iPad?

    The skeptic in me thinks that people will only buy music apps that look like vintage synth gear….

    1. There’s already a few of those and the original Moog 960 is pretty powerful. Some people like me enjoy these kinds of sequencers a lot. Might have to pick this one up!

    2. Some people want as many features as possible, some people prefer a simple sequencer without a ton of controls. It would be boring if everyone liked the same thing.

    3. Hi
      I have some advance sequencers in mind, but I’ve always been in love with the 960…I think in the 960 Moog created not only a great Synth module but a compositional/performance instrument as well. Note In the bottom row of this sequencer are some real time sequence performance modes….to play the sequence…develop progression… I this find very useful in coming up with new ideas…

      If you have any request please post them…

  3. among this littlemidi and phaedra littlemidi seems to be the most flexible in terms of midi settings… it does amazing things. interface needs a bit more work 🙂
    this seems to be intuitive for velocity and note length being on same page, gotta give it a shot…

  4. This is very good. At last, a step sequencer with just the right number of skip switches etc.

    What it needs now is 16-note patterns and memories, which it doesn’tt have as far as
    I can see, but then again there”s no app support website at the time of writing, so it needs that too.

    I’ll be using it though

    Mark Jenkins
    Author, “Analog Synthesizers” (Focal Press)

  5. There seem to be a few bugs…

    1) “saved” sequences sometimes init themselves while playing. this seems to happen mostly if you switch to the midi app the sequencer is triggering. for instance, you may want to alter a parameter on the synth that is being triggered and suddenly it will stop. returning to the sequencer will show the app as if it was just opened. i have tried to trouble shoot by toggling the external clock on and off but the loop mode sometimes will just stop all by itself and everything will be reset.

    2) what is the correct manner to save a sequence? your choice is to rename or copy/paste. i have tried both methods, name the sequence, saved it, and later have it disappear while playing. (as well as disappear from the list!) is there a difference between the two ways of saving a sequence?

    i know this is version one so some kinks are to be expected but not being able to reliably save on the fly is pretty frustrating. also having the sequence stop and reset for no reason while switching back and forth from the app to the midi app being triggered is a big issue.

    any help is appreciated and thanks!

  6. Thank you Roger. A great, simple little sequencer with a ton of vintage cred to boot! Exactly what I was looking for. I particularly like the built in Audio for quick results when detached from the Midi setup.

    There must be a million music composition apps and packages out there for those who need more features. Don’t mess with a classic!

  7. I’d like an app that put 8 or 16 of these in a rack setup, with some auxilliary modules (analog switches and so forth), like the old analog studio Joel Chadabe ran at SUNY Albany in the 70s and 80s.

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