Alba Ecstasy has released a new preset library for Waldorf Nave synthesizer, Intense.
The library offers 48 new and original presets for Waldorf Nave iPad synthesizer. The patches are delivered via e-mail.
Here’s an audio preview of the Intense patch library:
See the Alba Ecstasy site for free patch demos and details.
Analog always win.
sine,saw,pulse,square,white noise.
If you want wavetable go for a virus.
Fing Itards
You’re being very silly, shitface. Wavetable synthesis is one of the technologies that does not inherently benefit from a hardware environment, and Nave is a very good wavetable synthesizer. While the DACs in a professional module/keyboard may be better than the iPad’s, there are several ways to access the sounds created in an iOS app from your DAW (or, if your audio interface is class-compliant, you can just use the camera connection kit). A Virus will run you as much or more than an iPad and a few apps, with very comparable sound and less flexibility.
Also, all of those waveforms you mention are available as VCOs and routable LFOs in Nave.
Well done dats a win
You did enjoy typing that first sentence, didn’t you!
There are some pretty decent FM synths for iOS, but it’s one area that could definitely use some killer apps. TF7 synth is worth a try; it’s free with an IAP upgrade that’s only a couple of quid.
Besides TF7, I’d like to know of others. Thanks.
While I agree with the sentiment it has to be said the original PPG Wave had analogue VCA’s and SSM 2044 VCF’s.
Instructions read :
To upload the bank in to your iOS synthesizer, please press and hold a little bit more on the attached Alba Ecstasy.navebank file and then open it in your NAVE iOS synth (a pop-up window will open).
But no Nave pop up window does open….it does not work