Moog Music has updated Filtatron, its realtime audio filter and effects app for iOS, adding AudioBus, Jack support and more.
Here’s what’s new in Filtatron 1.2.0:
- Audiobus and JACK support. Filtatron can act as a source, a destination, or a filter for audio from other compatible apps. (for audio IN to Filtatron, be sure to turn up the LINE level knob to hear it)
- MIDI mapping for almost every parameter. Use hardware controllers or external sequencers to control Filtatron remotely. Check the MIDI menu on the ‘About’ page.
- Share files from the Samples directly to SoundCloud
- Now supports both Landscape and Portrait orientation on iPad
- New full-screen artwork for iPhone 5
Moog Filtatron is available in the App Store.
If you’ve used Filtatron, let us know what you think of it!
I’ve midi mapped every parameter on my controller. Going to make a faceplate for this. Ultimate plan is to make a dedicated hardware controller, possibly even containing my iPhone when I upgrade. iFooger?
Why not just buy a hardware pedal? It really doesn’t sound that good especially compared to moogerfoogers.
well if you got an iphone or ipad already it’s a no brainer. its certainly no Moogerfooger, but you can have your fair share of fun with it. This will cost you $1.99 a Moogerfooger costs a lot more… more like $300…
great idea, i was thinking of building a “dock” controler for my ipad mini that looks like a desktop synth with wooden cheeks and everythig
The Landscape orientation doesn’t ‘stick’. And I’m not getting the iPad out of the dock every time I want to use Filtatron!
Landscape isn’t working for me, either…
yeah midi and landscape orientation
machinedrum here we come
ha ha just tested the lanscape mode ….. are you kidding me?
now its a small portrait oriented app in landscape mode with 1/3 unused balck space left and right
a bit like the turnado landscape mode where you cant go fullscreen in edit mode hehe
although i was very pleasantly surprised to see this, and it is great,
it does seem that only bare necessities were implemented.
it is nice very nice tho.
good comment and idea.
You muthafuckas expect everything to be perfect and work perfectly the first time. Settle down. No one owes you shit.
Yeah fuck those muthafuckas hard!
In the butt!
Well, I think it sounds great. Midi control is great. I wanted that more than any other features, including Audiobus (although that is a great addition, albeit rather basic in implementation).
There’s very few parameters I can’t control with MIDI, so that’s great. I’ve mapped all 30 available parameters to separate hardware controls on my control surface. The only ones you can’t map (I think) are: sample record, VCO pitch lock, tap tempo and VCO trigger (when you’ve enabled release). I suppose the last one might respond to MIDI notes, but I’ve not tried it yet. Also my controller only sends 7-bit MIDI CCs so I don’t know whether Filtatron supports higher resolution MIDI messages (is that 14-bit?).
As for the Moogerfooger suggestion, yes I’d love one that did everything Filtatron does, especially the sample manipulation and mixing 3 sources, the hi/lo filter with LFO and ENV follower, the delay with modulation, the pitch controlled VCO and the distortion.