Sunday Synth Jam: This video captures Dutch synthesist Martin Peters doing some Berlin School style sequencing using his new Sequentix Cirklon hardware step sequencer.
Here’s his explanation of the technical details:
I use 5 tracks of which 4 of them uses the Cirklons CVIO outputs and the Minimoog Voyager uses a MIDI output. The music starts with a sequence on the Rob Hordijk OSC HRM driven by a Q109 which is joined by a sequence on the Minimoog Voyager. After that sequences on the and the Moog Prodigy are joining and now and than a sequence on the Yamaha CS-30L can be heard.
You can download Martin’s music from his site.
Beautiful! Makes me want one so baaad…
Great work and very musical!
If this sequencer ever has an atari cubase type interface I would buy one at the drop of hat.
Grid edit , and a mouse port , that would be a dream hardware sequencer.
This looks really good but still not enough to part with 1000 quid. Keep working on it please.
Ataris are very missed by those of us into hardware midi sequencing.
It does have grid edit. Who wants a mouse? The reason for a hardware sequencer for me is to get away from the computer. I took the laptop out of my set up for sequencing when I got my Cirklon a year ago. I haven’t looked back, and I’ve been having more fun than I ever did. Oh, and if you do want a cpu in the mix, you can control all of your softsynths/effects/cpu secuencer via the 6 USB ports each with 16 channels of midi. You also have 5 individual midi in/outs, and let’s not forget about CVIO. Do the math…that’s a hell of a lot of channels.
Where have you been? This IS the dream hardware sequencer.
Is that just a random Eurorack module in a MU cabinet on the left?