The Journey Of The Drum Machine


NPR’s Morning Edition today takes a look at the history of the drum machine and a new book, Beat Box: A Drum Machine Obsession.

Joe Mansfield’s new 200-page Beat Box: A Drum Machine Obsession is coffee-table book that features 75 drum machines. It includes more than 200 photos. The book explores the machines, the musicians that used them and their impact on music.

The publisher describes Beat Box as ‘part encyclopedia, part coffee-table photo book’. 

You can listen to Gimme The Beat (Box): The Journey Of The Drum Machine below or at the NPR site:

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2 thoughts on “The Journey Of The Drum Machine

  1. Great example of BBC vs NPR… BBC dedicates an hour to three vintage Roland boxes, NPR takes 7 minutes “exploring” all drum machines. It’s 4 minutes in right now and I haven’t hear a LinnDrum yet, and no Acid House. Thanks, but maybe we need to give NPR more money.

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