Moog Sub 37 Paraphonic Analog Synthesizer – Real Or Photoshop?


Moog has announced the Moog Sub 37 Paraphonic Analog Synthesizer – but hasn’t released any official images or specs yet. 

We’re expecting full details and audio demos to be released next week at the 2014 NAMM Show.

In the meantime, you can check out the Moog Sub 37 synthesizer image above – and let us know if you think it passes the real vs Photoshop test!

via delamar

39 thoughts on “Moog Sub 37 Paraphonic Analog Synthesizer – Real Or Photoshop?

    1. I have a Phatty sitting right in front of me, and while there are similarities, only the right 3 panels are the same (or close to it). Could still be a Photoshop mockup, though.

        1. because it is, and you’re foolish to think otherwise. it’s not a bad thing. a movie is a product. an album is a product. so is a violin.

    2. Unless they purposely attached the panel at an angle (look at the exposed edge at the top that is clearly more narrow top left than top right) it is without doubt a shop of a Little Phatty (I’ve got a Stage II sitting here on my desk as well).

  1. I heard a little “rumour” of a “Polyphonic Moog” a few months ago, but I cannot name my source! Professional secret. Let’s say that I have been waiting for this moment for a few months now!

  2. yeah it’s photoshopped for sure. The knobs are all identical and at the exact same angle (or the mirror of each other), plus you can tell there was a drop shadow effect applied to them.

  3. I am generally impressed with Moog sound and quality, but in this case, its a step sideways in progress. Being duophonic could be of real use for a modular, but for this size and shape of Moog, its unimpressive to me. Paraphonic means are mostly a stopgap with a limited range of use. Just because a thing has polyphony does not make it GOOD polyphony.

    I plan to give the eventual sound demos a fair hearing, because it is a Moog, so the thing could have some surprises to offer. I simply wish more people would understand that making a mono analog synth polyphonic shifts the terms of the game. The wailing for an analog MemoryMoog flies in the face of the physics first and the high expense second. If you look at it dispassionately for a minute, it becomes clear that programming for mono analog is quite different from analog polyphony. It takes two different techniques and crossing them up often yields mud. We each have to build the rig that suits us, but don’t trip yourself up needlessly with erroneous wants. I’ve had the great fortune of playing a majority of the vintage synths of note, so believe me when I say that the best path to analog nirvana is something in the DSI realm for polyphony and a mono synth for leads and effect-sculpting jobs. They simply don’t cross over well as people want to see them do, but one or more of each and you really are able to go pretty much anywhere you please. Once I got a grasp on that, it liberated me to do better work and have more fun without being in a needless knot. That’s what MIDI Spaghetti is for and modern Science banished that, too. Just food for thought.

    1. I recently came to a similar conclusion after selling a minitaur to fund a dsi mopho x4 purchase. They are just very distinct instruments. Waiting to see how the sub37 sounds and for the bank account to recover.

      Still many of the sounds I enjoy crafting from the minitaur and arturia’s minimoog emulations (horns, brass, etc) sound very nice in poly… Even in software. Still I think your point stands. Well put.

      1. Thanks. The real core of the debate is simply that some analog sounds are killer when used polyphonically, while others are so much about the shape or event flow that only a monophonic approach allows you to work their strengths. You just can’t play a massive modular patch like a piano. I’ve tried and it always = sonic sludge. 😛 Doing so introduces numerous little phase cancellations and other artifacts that are unmusical. Science.

        You were wise to go with DSI. Dave sits in a unique position. He’s obviously a great designer, but he also has a Moog-like intuition you can feel as a musician. You can coax almost anything from his synths. I once had a Prophet-600 and I worked that poly-mod section like a beast. Beauty!

  4. I have to respectfully disagree with GV and READYdot. The knobs look Sub Phatty-sized and the buttons (and, much more clearly, the knobs) do look perspective-correct to me. I don’t see why this couldn’t be a real photo and it certainly makes sense for them to use the Little Phatty enclosure. If it is a Photoshop job it’s as good as the real thing.

  5. photoshopped – the knod shadows do not match the mod wheels shadow direction
    and only one knob is reflected -above the mod wheels …
    the panel is skewed on the left side

    looks good though 🙂

  6. Hello, yes it’s a photoshop editing… I did it 🙂
    Originally I had posted on a french forum, where it was clear that is a photoshop work. Also visible on the Moog forum with other versions.

    1. Sure, nothing wrong with that. But the synth itself very likely DOES exist, this isn’t one of those mysteries where people need to debate if it is a spoof or not.

  7. definitely photoshop, this picture is from a Gearslutz topic. It states that it is an artist drawing. There is also a black version. I personally think the new sub 37 will have a silver faceplate just like the subphatty.

  8. Whether it is a mockup or the real thing – well, what’s the difference? Rumours, leaks and all that have proven to be quite accurate in the recent years, so what’s wrong with assuming that also Moog will continue to milk the Phatty cow as much as they can and release yet another analog one-trick pony with tons of shortcomings (remember? Sub Phatty with 16 presets to store? Wow, that was impressive…)
    So, now with two voices, a few more filter, modulation and some arpeggio features to make you think you need to get all of ’em…

    1. He’s kind of right. Nice and all as it is, this drip feeding of developments isn’t unlike German car manufacturers who slowly evolve their signs, despite having already worked out what the car is going to look like in 3 generations from now.

      Thats business, I don’t judge them for it, but its very different to the original Moog who were innovating with their designs, although lets face it, they milked the original Moog Model D for all they could too – Source, Prodigy etc etc.

  9. If you own a Little Phatty, Animoog and Arturia’s Modular, isn’t that enough Moogs? A pal has those and he’s still agitating for a Voyager. I said “You should mix it up with a DSI or Korg synth for variety, you obsessed KNOB!” He said “Up yours, you unshaven troll.” Then we laughed at being Synth Bros. E-music madness is a benign form of heroin.

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