Waldorf is teasing that they are bringing something new to the 2014 NAMM Show:
“We just embarked on the bus from Waldorf to Anaheim, and we packed some exciting new products!”
We’ll have official details next week from the NAMM Show.
In the meantime, let us know what you think is coming from Waldorf! It’s got a filter!
rocket keyboard?
pulse2 keyboard?

This is what I’m hoping for. I like the sound of the Pulse 2, but hate the knob layout. That’s why I sold the Evolver desktop.
Ah, but no knobs on the Rocket end in “-fy”, and there’s no switch that includes “Fast”.
Sure that’s not Veloci’ty’?
The orange is like the Halloween version of the Q!
Blofeld 2 or a new wavetable synth
A rocket with wavetables
A polyphonic Pulse would be awesome
Orangey. Could it be a new Microwave? That would be fabulous news.
Still faintly and futilely hoping for the Stromberg.
Hmmm. Nothing beats Big Bird in my opinion. Maybe it’s an updated Blofeld type with a layout that gets close or nails the 1-knob-per-function – that might possibly be an alternative to VIRUS, but at a better price point? – Long shot, but that’s what I’d like to see.
(……with vocoder)
Hoping for the stromberg too!
updated blofeld with analog filters ?
4pole -2 tabletob filter in same format as rocket
Definitely Rocket based because of the fixed point knobs ….Blofeld & pulse are endless encoders .
PolyRocket would be cool at right price.
Note press release is plural ” products ” so maybe more to follow.
they are only endless encoders because its a matrix style layout – i.e. one knob controls multiple functions..
if there is a knob-per-function you dont need endless encoders, because the range for “resonance” for example, is always the same
>if there is a knob-per-function you dont need endless encoders
Tell that to my Waldorf Microwave XT.
Endless they are also because of the presets. Those encoders are not automated.
Coming to a store near you Oct 2015!
Not if it’s a synth like the Rocket!
thanks for making us guess instead of just telling us when you know
Waldorf have really been pulling it out the bag this last few years, so this definitely has me excited.
coffee machine ?
A slightly souped up 4 voice Rocket, the Moonraker.
Blofeld plus, with a couple of analog filters and some tweaking in the engine room.
Neither will happen, but I would buy both.
new waldorf miniworks 4pole?
what matter if it beats the other competitors ?
With regard to brontonsaures such dsi, moog or roland , any company with little inventiveness could reach customers !
My guess is a Rocket keyboard with sound storage & a funky sequencer – i hope. That to me would be logical and in competition with what Moog are offering. I hope i’m right as it would be a kick ass product as i liked the Rocket but it needed the extra capability. I’m watching with interest…
Microwave III please!!!! DCO’s with VCF’s that are on par with the PPG’s and Microwave I, complete with software editor/librarian!!!! dont fuck around Waldorf!!!! the future is now!!!! i’ll buy one right away!!!!
Waldorf ‘Octane’
‘Rocket’ fuel !
What a fancy pattern around the Cutoff knob. Could this mean a ladder filter?
new waldorf or a blofeld with analog ins would be nice
I’m hoping for an 8-voice hybrid synth with digital oscillators and analog filters. Waldorf are so ripe for this, they just need to add the Pulse 2’s filter to the Blofeld – and it would sound amazing! And who’s the competition in the analog poly hybrid? I think there’s just about only DSI.
16 voice analog/digital wave table hybrid. 8 analog voices 8 digital. Full analog signal path after oscillators. 1 knob per function. 61 key. Vocoder ability. XY modulation pad. 8 mpc style pads for drum synthesis. Kitchen sink…
It’s a new filter called the 2-Pole…looks savage
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