This video, via Patrizio Politi, captures a performance of Erik Satie’s Gymnopédie No. 1, arranged for piano and synthesizer, with a little happy synth-pop salsification.
Video description:
Come da titolo, in versione “salsagra”… ma non mi picchiate per favore!!! :-O
Casomai vendo mobile in mogano per Waldorf Q+ con doppio manuale e maravillioso light-click funzionante a inversione di fase: prezzi modici.
I wasn’t sure what to expect of a synthpop-flavoured Satie cover, but I must admit I rather enjoyed that!
As I love the Satie as it was written, I had misgivings, but love it
Cheered me up on a day that I was feeling pretty low. Just not 100% sure about the ending. Thank you.
That works surprisingly well.
I’m an instant fan.
terrible cover
nailed it
why all of that? what a bad wake up .. don t like at all..
well played and fun to listen to 
Lovely. Totally love this.
Very nice!
JIMI TENOR also likes Satie:
Vexations as on Recompoed by Jimi Tenor on Deutsche Grammophon (2006)
One of my favourite piano songs..
OMG….. custom Waldorf Q with machined knobs and second keyboard ???? HOLY HELL … where did that come from. Recently sold my Q+ and cry about it every day. Q Rack going on ebay next toward house buying adventure … but oooh ahh… how cool is that synth porn ? Oh yeah. Music was okay. ;-0
Satie could use some jazzing up. I’m getting images of, like, Steve McQueen and James Coburn and Senta Berger. Perfect ’60s soundtrack.
i like the musical interpretation,
but the detuned chorus on the piano hurts me
stop it, stop it now.