Sunday Synth Jam: This video, via Eric Mouquet of Deep Forest, captures a new work in progress, Elephant Song.
Here’s what he has to say about the improvisation:
Another Waldorf Wave video,This impro is part of the work in progress for next Deep Forest album (available end 2014).
This time I’m using three layers splitted on the keyboard, first one is scanning a custom wavetable in seq to simulate a kind of Pygmy chant, second one is doing a filter sweep in seq and gives an harmo feel. The last one features several “solo” sounds,
My playing is an humble and modeste tribute to my master Mr Joe Zawinul.
Hope you enjoy this “Elephant crying sound” at the end of the Impro. Listen with headphone or good speakers !
Thanks Eric … very nice sounds design with the Wave (what a synth)…
I also like the way your finger touch sometime ends with a small “modulation” (for example in 0:39) … probably coming from your Continuum playing style
I’ve liked Deep Forest from the beginning, so that was a sweet bit of rambling, coming into focus. I look forward to the final version. The whole DF aroma is unique and satisfying to hear. I’d strongly recommend Michel Sanchez’s solo title “Windows” as a shining example of synths with extreme muscle and focus driving them. Its like a DF album from a different yet recognizable angle. Its one of those epiphany moments, when you hear How Its Done in a big way.