Sunday Synth Jam: Here a Berlin School style synth jam, Arya, performed live in the studio by Bruno Ender Lee.
Lee performs the track on a Studio 88 system, with three tracks (sequence/bass/leads).
You can hear more of Lee’s work at his Soundcloud page.
I really enjoy watching these synth videos but I’m very ignorant about this stuff, could anyone tell me something about how these performances work?
It works like this: you shell out sh*tloads of dollars and get yourself a Moog/MOTM/Moon/ or a Buchla modular system. Then you’ll spend years noodling on it – you will not have enough…
Nice Giger print.
Consider for a moment that bikers will pay anywhere from $13,000 to $40,000 for a new Harley-Davidson, not including accessories, just for a nice ride and to pursue their passion, then I don’t see where these big machines are so out of line. There is a lot of electronic circuitry to one of these! Some people like the ride– I like to noodle with electronic music.
I just wish there would be a way to combine those two passions together.
Lovely stuff. Thank you for this.
Great vid, something about a cat and synths just works.
I love analog jams but sorry this one is a bit monotonous for me :-!
…and I love jamming on my analog synths, but listening to others’ jams is rarely any fun.
game of thrones!