Adafruit Industries‘ Noe Ruiz let us know about their latest project, the Mini OONTZ.
Mini OONTZ is a DIY, open source, native USB MIDI controller, based on the Arduino Leonardo. It’s a grid controller, in the style of the monome, designed to be easy to customize and hack.
Here the intro video for the project:
The project includes all the steps for creating your own controller. They also have sketches for making drum machines, step sequencers, and a Monome style arpeggiator.
Details are available at the Adafruit site.
If you like the idea of a DIY, open source native USB MIDI controller, but you want one with more buttons, they’ve also got plans for the 8×8 OONTZ and even a 128 button HELLA OONTZ, below:
Combo that with the Waveblaster board (in the post above) for a damn funky diy synth box.
Cv out puts should be possible too, via pwm ?
Should be.
along with gates / triggers, but only as many as there are pins for I guess? There are examples of peeps using the midi shield for midi output as well. My dream one has an OLED display and two rotary encoders to change pattern length / channel / scale / bpm / modes ect…
That’s a pretty sick little bugger! Anyone here try this project out?