Moog Music has released a new video, featuring Chief Engineer Cyril Lance, that digs into the details of the synth architecture of the new Sub 37 analog synthesizer.
Lance talks about the development decisions made during the design of the Sub 37. He also discusses the Sub 37’s new VCO design, mixer architecture, filter topology, as well as the implementation of paraphonic functionality via Duo Mode.
The video also includes performance demos by Cory Henry of Snarky Puppy.
The Sub 37 Bob Moog Tribute Edition analog synthesizer is now shipping, priced at $1,579.00. See the Moog site for details.
ye, ok.. when is the desktop version coming out? NAMM 2015?! Make it happen, boyz!
they announced at some point a while back that they were not pleased with the Slim Phatty’s design flaw of having an extremely long warm-up time before tuning stability was achieved (up to an hour!) and didn’t see a way to resolve the problem. So maybe they are not making rack synths anymore? Maybe they will come to their senses tho, for the good of us cheap buyers heh.
many people don’t realize Moog is a VERY small company and that’s a big part of the reason their development choices have been so conservative over the years. Famous sure, but in the real world they are unable to really take chances and take big hits like some can.
Rack synths have nothing to do with warm up time. It’s literally just a version with the keyboard chopped off. It’s all about the architecture.
In an analog synth, it does make a difference. The electronics inside the rack mount housing have less room, so you end up with temperature instability from the power supply. The only way they could do a temperature stable rack mount synth is if they put the power supply in a wall wart, and I don’t see them doing that.
under your theory it would warm up faster(stable or unstable), which contradicts the first statement of it taking longer? any body else got an answer?
The time it takes to generate heat and achieve tuning stability are two different things…
so its a design fault, is this true for all slim phattys? i have never heard this spoke about. reason being ive seen them reasonably priced second hand and just been researching them. nothing better than picking up cheap gear while people empty out their pockets and their studios for the new stuff.
if you search for the issue you will see lots of mention of it on the gearslutz forum. Apparently not every SP has the issue, but enough did that a fair amount were returned to Moog over it. I was looking in depth at it, and knowing that i wanted to use it live (where setup time is an issue with this particular oddity) i had to sadly move on. The other issue tho too is the ‘non vintage’ sound of the VCOs selected in the little/slim and sub phatties. The minitaur had a woolier sound but less stability thus the range limitation. The drive in the sub and sub 37 seems like maybe a good trade-off.
I would say that much has to do with programming. I learned with the Sub Phatty that it’s very sensitive to change (in parameters I mean). It’s fully capable of “vintage” sounds, you just need to know how to tweak it and listen to how subtle changes can do a lot for the sound.
However, the best source for “vintage” sounding Moog has to be MOS-LAB modular. Pricey but sounds fantastic:!systems/c1ger
Check their youtube demo of the SYSTEM 8A:
The minitaur is only have rack and it seems to manage.
Dave Smith Instruments is a small company as well but look at their selection. I own as many DSI synths as I do Moog. IMHO, both companies are two of the best on the planet for modern synths. I think you’re wrong about Moog being conservative. I think, the USE the Voyager as their base and build everything else under that with less features and a lot cheaper in different price points. Plus, Mood can only go so far. Well, unless they start to make poly and digital synths like DSI is doing.
Makes me want to sell my Sub Phatty…
I know that they are different beast, but I rather go for Dave Smith Instruments Pro 2 !
Holy crud! Corey is AMAZING!!!
this is EXACTLY how a synth video should be done. informative, sound focussed, with interesting facts, professional camera work and pro audio. thanks a lot! what a difference to all this ‘hi guys, today i have here…’ stuff. thank you!
Totally agree with this comment. Best product demo I’ve ever seen. Great narration and awesome playing.
I love mine. I’ve had it for about 2 weeks. Sold my sub phatty. decided not to wait for the poly chaining to become reality.
Is there a difference in the basic sound between the two? After using the SP for a few months I feel it to be rather clinical sounding compared to my other analog monos. The video mentions a few differences in filter and oscillator architecture from the SP, I wonder how that translates sound wise.
it’s hard for me to say, as I definitely interface with the 37 differently than the sp. I can say I am more pleased with what I create, but that largely has to do with the immediacy of knobs and different ideas, as I didn’t use the functions that required the key combos as much. It’s definitely worth the extra cash.
moog did tell me that we will be able to poly chain any moog with any moog.
Moog’s are about as “open book” as you can possibly get
I agree on the excellent video, though I wish it were a little more in-depth throughout. I’d rather have a little less demo, though the dude has skills and is interesting to watch – not sure what he is pressing though. Wish they had an inset so I could see what he’s pressing on the panel.
I have a slim phatty and usually ignore it unless I can remember to turn it on way before I want to use it. I have to remember not to touch it unless it is ready. Else, I’m on a journey to get it stable. I wouldn’t get rid of it though.
This is just the first of a series of in-depth videos, focusing just on the duophony and general sound.
Sounds so thick, played with glorious and funky expertise.
Duophony is the true way.
as a knob twiddler I am really impressed with this synth from the overall sound to its architecture. I’d hoped to get a sub phatty & a little phatty, but I believe this is enough for me especially because of the dedicated knobs which makes live tweaking a lot more enjoyable than say with the little phatty, and more keys to move around opposed to the sub phatty.. I love how the duo phonic mode is implemented live and explained. I’ll definitely be buying this for sure as a birthday gift to myself lol.
Sounds like butter and that dude totally rips. As a guitarist first and foremost, I am feeling intense pangs of synth envy after watching that. And the best part, it doesn’t have “phatty” in the name
Mine should be shipping today. Losing sleep until it gets here. Then I’ll be losing sleep once its here!
I keep my SubPhatty. Now with the editor endless possibilities and almost identical in sound.
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD RELEASE IT ALREADY! I ordered mine in March and still waiting – the fourth delay just announced to me a fortnight ago- its driving me daft!
it’s already available. I’ve had mine for 2 weeks.
None of my business, but are you US or EU based in terms of order and delivery? Simply asking to try and get to bottom of delay. Hope you’re enjoying it regardless
I didn’t think duophony could sound so… intricate. What an awesome demo!
many things including duophony albeit implementation… remind me of the Future Retro XS… which i freakin’ love… great synth… but the sub37 has that moog filter… a great keyboard and build… and some of that good ole’ moog love
but like the XS… i wonder… are people going to complain about the osc being too precise?
You save you own preset right?
You can save your own presets right?
Yes, there is 16 banks with 16 presets each, the last 6 and a half banks are blank for you to save presets on. That is about a 100 blank presets for you to save to. However, using that little led screen to change/save the name of your patch is a PITA!
Before you ask, yes, I love my sub 37.