Saturday Synth Porn: This video, via SynthProject, is pure, unadulterated DIY MIDI controller synth porn.
It’s a video ‘teaser’ for the SynthProject iSP3 Controller. The iSP3 is a dedicated hardware controller for the iVS3 iOS.
Details on the iSP3 controller are available at the SynthProject site.
Very nice work, but isn’t it a bit off to demo a VCS3-based item with an orchestra? 😛
I think this has been posted here before. Not that I mind a repost though 😉 BUT, is this for sale?
I love the craftmanship of these controllers but why on earth showcase this with the aesthetics of a terror film?
I don’t even have words. I do have a question, though. Does this not imply that the IOS touch screen is fundamentally inadequate for use in musical instrumentation, and may have been a severe mistake all along?
…not sure that “severe mistake” are the words I woruld use, but I’m in basic agreement that finely tuning certain controls in some iOS apps are as satisfying as turning a knob. Large sliders are to me, acceptable like those in TouchOSC, but I can’t cope with fine (or course) tuning in iMS-20.
I’ve never seen any videos of the guy actually using his creations. Starting to wonder if he isn’t a wonderfully talented 3d renderer.