Sunday Synth Jam: Hypersonic Division Test, via A Box In The Sea, is a Eurorack + Octatrack ‘micro glitch soundscape’.
Here’s what he has to say about it:
I’ve been thinking a lot about the time modules I have (4ms SCM & Breakout, Turning Machine, Maths, G8 and Rene). Numbers and the like have never come easy to me. Yet I’m in love with math. I just have to go at it from my own way to make sense of what’s in front of me. Thanks for watching Please post questions and comments below
I’m using the A4 CV outs for multiple LFO’s (Via Grayscales fantastic module “Synapse” and pitched/short circuited drum sounds.
The harmonic content is coming from the Braids Eurorack Module triggered by the Turing Machine and processed through the Tiptop ZDSP and the Red Panda Particle.
AND now I want a Red Panda Particle. Are there any other good options for granular effects? Or granular synthesis in general? I really like the texture it adds to music.
One of our Ember Music artists Fake Empire (Scott Brown) has done a wonderful demo / review of the Red Panda…
Such a great idea to incorporate some DIY work space into the studio. A studio really is a work in progress so why not bring in the tools and workbench! Great setup and nice atmospheres