Knobcon 2014 – a synthesizer convention, synth party and gear fest – is coming to the Schaumburg, IL (Chicago area) Sept 12-14, 2014.
The event promises to be the biggest Knobcon yet, with three days of performances, workshops and other events.
Workshops include:
- Synthesis Basics with Marc Doty
- Voltage-Controlled Electro-Acoustic and Acousto-Electric Applications with electronic musician Jon Sonnenberg
- Envelopes of Future Past with Suit & Tie Guy of STG Soundlabs
- Inside the Secret World of Electronics Manufacturing with Jason Duerr, Director of Engineering, Aimtron Corporation
- The Techno Synthesist with maker/user Mark Verbos
- Doctor Analog Presents: A Collection of Op-Amp Applications with Professor Kent Lundberg, who has taught analog-circuit design at M.I.T., Stanford, and Olin College.
- The Early Days of the Moog Modular Synthesizer with historian/musician/author, Brian Kehew.
- A Look at Vintage Modular Catalogs with Brian Kehew
- Computer/Modular Interfacing with Expert Sleepers’s Andrew Ostler
Build workshops include:
- Moog Werkstatt Build & Mod Workshop!
- Build a Coltrol Voltage Processor!
- Build a State Variable Filter!
- Build a ThunderBell!
Registration is $35, which includes admission for all three days and 2 drink tickets to the Friday reception. Build workshops have additional fees. See the Knobcon site for details.
another cool feature @ knobcon this year will be the “demo derby” where you can patch in solitude for a full half hour with your choice of complete eurorack systems. we have 6 so far – at the end of your session you’ll be able to record your results if you like.
there will be plenty of signage and sign up sheets. i’ll be running the derby, so look for the dude in the red T shirt on the second pic you posted
this is by far the most ridiculous Knobcon yet!
Any synth conventions in Seattle?! Seems like a good place for them to be.
I just wish I could go. I’ve got knob envy.
If anyone is considering selling pre-completed or modular systems, please reach out to me. I am willing to spend a considerable amount of money. Looking for something similar to .com’s studio-44 but already packaged and ready to go.
mike – there will be several complete Eurorack systems on sale from various manufacturers. MU format stuff is uncommon in complete form, but there will definitely be systems present.
Mike, I have a 22-space dot com unit that I’d be willing to trade for something rare/good. Has all the modules of the “system 22” plus the instrument interface and moog filter.
Let me know what you would be willing to trade!