Sunday Synth Jam: This video, via millolab, captures a live performance of the one who is waiting, a Berlin School influenced synth improvisation.
Headphones recommended.
Technical details:
Gear used:
Waldorf Blofeld and MicroQ, Arturia Microbrute, Elektron Machinedrum, Akai mpc500 as main sequencer, Korg Ms2000, Clavia Nord Modular G2 and DSI Tetr4. Hardwire DL7 and RV8 were used on the Tetra.
This is awesome, good job!
That was nice, glad all electronic music doesn’t have to be in a minor key!
It is in a minor key.
Doing justice to the entire stereo field = nice, just like the main melody line that comes in around 1:30.
are you guys in berlin?
I’m hearing more Canada (as in BOC) tnan Berlin.