‘From Insane To Ludicrous:’ Traktion 5 Now Bundled With Melodyne Essentials

Traktion_LogoTracktion Software has announced that they’ve integrated Celemony’s Audio Random Access (ARA) capability and are now bundling the (Celemony) Melodyne Essential Plug-in as part of the Tracktion 5 Music Production Software platform.

Tracktion is a multi-platform DAW which works with Linux, Mac or Windows operating systems.

Celemony’s Melodyne system tackles audio time and pitch editing by focusing on a musical approach to a previously highly technical process. Melodyne users can see not only where the music gets louder/softer but also where notes begin and end — and at what pitch they lie. Individual notes can be modified, thereby directly influencing the intonation, phrasing and dynamics.

Melodyne_Essential_ToolsBy integrating the ARA capability, the Melodyne plug-in behaves as part of the Tracktion DAW platform, allowing the exchange of information about the audio file, tempo, pitch, rhythm and much more. Melodyne functions as if it were native to the Tracktion editing environment.

Melodyne Essential contains the basic functions for the editing of pitch and timing in melodic and rhythmic material – with the same sound quality and ease-of-use as the larger editions.

Pricing and Availability. Tracktion 5 with the Melodyne Essential bundle is available now and is $59 US for new users. As Melodyne Essential normally retails for $99 on its own, Tracktion is touting the pairing as “increas[ing] Tracktion’s value from insane to ludicrous.”

All current Tracktion 5 registered users will receive the Melodyne Essential bundle and can access this via their Tracktion 5 user account.  For more on the ARA integration and the Melodyne Essential bundle with Tracktion 5, visit the Tracktion website.

9 thoughts on “‘From Insane To Ludicrous:’ Traktion 5 Now Bundled With Melodyne Essentials

  1. I’d like to see how they work together.

    I tried a demo of Melodyne a couple of years ago and I was impressed by what it could do, but the usability was kind of fiddly.

  2. I’ve been using Tracktion since version 2. I was about to give it up when it seemed abandoned but recently updated to Tracktion 5. In the mean time I tried working with Reaper, which is very powerfull, but too complicated for the basic stuff I do. When you use the DAW mostly for recording and mixing, Tracktions speed and ease of use is unmatched, IMHO. When it comes to editing, there is room for improvement, I guess, but it depends on your working style.

  3. I don’t suppose this includes the version of Melodyne with DNA (direct note access– polyphonic pitch editing). If it did, I’d say just get the DAW and use it for only that!!!

    Will do a little recon. Seems like the link isn’t correct ATM.

  4. From the Celemony website it looks like the EDITOR version is the only one with DNA, and none of the others have polyphonic audio pitch editing. But the Traktion website offers this confusing piece of ad copy:

    “Each note can be easily modified and thereby influence the intonation, phrasing and dynamics directly. This is possible not only with vocals and monophonic instruments but with polyphonic instruments such as pianos and guitars as well.”

    If it has DNA, I’m in. If not, I’ll pass.

  5. the email I got from Tracktion says it’s Melodyne essential. They go on to say…

    We love the Melodyne application because, very much like Tracktion, the interface is simple, intuitive and musical to use. However, working closely with Celemony, Melodyne’s parent company, we’ve integrated their Audio Random Access (ARA) capability into T5 to take this a step further. With ARA, the Melodyne plug-in behaves as part of the Tracktion platform, allowing the exchange of information about the audio file, tempo, pitch, rhythm and much more. Melodyne functions as if it were native to Tracktion’s editing environment.

    Hope that helps

  6. It’s still kind of confusing. Melodyne’s DNA takes polyphonic audio and allows you to edit/tune individual notes in a polyphonic recording. It is really impressive and kind of miraculous. The Essential version of Melodyne does not have DNA, only the editor. So if Traktion is claiming that it will handle polyphonic audio, they are contradicting what the Celemony site says.

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