Korg has updated iKaossilator, its Kaossilator app for iOS, adding Ableton Live export and bug fixes.
Kaossilator uses the X-Y interface popularized by Korg’s Kaoss Line. You can select a scale and key and then play notes by moving your finger across the ‘pad’ area.
Here’s what’s new in iKaossilator 3.0:
- Ableton Project Export: The ability to export a project to Ableton Live.
- iKaossilator Expansions: “EDM” sound set is now available via In-App Purchase.
- Fixed an issue that Shared Loop List did not work.
- Other small tweaks have been made to improve usability and stability.
Korg iKaossilator is available in the App Store for US $19.99.
If you’ve used Korg iKaossilator, leave a comment and let us know what you think of it!
Whats with the add for a flat stomach?
Not showing for me – apparently you haven’t been eating right….
I have it, it is a good app but not worh the 20 dlls imho. The mute/solo tracks are tricky to control. Sounds are ok similar to the k-pro. No ability to control track levels is a con.
It’s alright. Korg needs to get over themselves with their high prices. So, after you pay $20-$40 for their apps they update with in-app purchases? I like iKaossilator but not as much as I like most of my .99-$5 apps.
The sounds that import start clipping in tracks that contain more than 2 playing
Imported sounds are limited to XY filter only
No midi or ext/int clock sync
Some bass sounds are actually loops that don’t sync to clock
App needs way more updates at this price
XY pad with Scale is extremely versatile
Sounds are decent but still a bit dated
Imported Sound Bank Filter is pretty sick
Great time morphing on imported samples but really wish values exceeded 0-300 (-50/+50 cents between?)
My main complaint is not having an XY scale on imported sounds…
The 80’s called and they want their UI back.
I really hope this was the early test development so they can now bring ableton live export to the ims-20 and ipolysix.
and the iElectribe!
If Korg loves Ableton so much, the why don’t they marry it?
Are Korg on some kind of steroids recently or what?
What about their master, Yamaha, hmm?
sad that KORG is doing the In-App purchases now >:( sad and angry.
To be fair to them, the ableton live export option is free. That could easily have been a paid add on.
Charging for new sound libraries is exactly what Korg should be doing.
On the other hand, companies should never do in-app purchases for features that should be standard, like MIDI support.
Does the Ableton export mean that the instruments are on separate tracks? That would be a big improvement. I will have to load this back onto my iPhone, as I had long ago dismissed it and regretted purchasing it.
“Does the Ableton export mean that the instruments are on separate tracks?”
Is it possible to sync the iKaosillator via MIDI ?
No. It has WIST. Maybe you can use some other app that have both WIST and MIDI sync and use it as a bridge to some other MIDI stuff, but you’ll need two iOS devices…