This video, via gattobus, takes a look experimenting with paraphony with the Korg MS-20 synthesizer.
Paraphonic synthesizers are synths that allow polyphonic control over the oscillators, but not polyphonic synthesis, because the oscillators run through a single, shared synthesis path. It’s like throat singing, where a single person sings two different pitches, but only has one throat and mouth, vs multiple people singing, with individual, independent voices.
The video, the first in a planned series, looks at using the MS-20’s modular capabilities to independently control the two VCOs.
Wow that’s incredible. Why didn’t I think of that?
when I patch this up, VCO2’s pitch drifts down really slow to infinity after a few seconds. Any idea why this would happen? It plays in tune all other times I tested and patched up.
Nice one , even works as demo’d on the ims-20 too
Great tutorial
10nx for posting this
Really lovely, I love this feature on the sub phatty. This video emphasises my love for the original ms-20 too. Haven’t heard a mini sound this good. Or have I embarrassed myself and this is a mini?
I mean sub 37 obviously
Works as demo’d in the MS-20 Legacy VST as well.
Would this also work in ims-20?
Works on ims-20 too, brilliant 😀
Great! Thanks! Like the subtitles instead of verbal explaining, which can distract from the sound.
Great. A stellar example of a perfectly executed video demo!
well duuuh! if you read the manual and connected the dots, this is obvious! hellooo!
i guess someone didn’t sense my sarcasm…
Useful to know for those unaware of this capability, but hardly new. Check this page out on my website, which was added a dozen years ago: