Sunday Synth Jam: In the latest episode of Moog’s Sound Lab series, Publicist (Sebastian Thomson) performs the titular song off his Slave EP.
In creating this unique version of Slave, Publicist used 6 Minimoog Voyagers controlled by MIDI drum pads and crafted percussive sounds to play along with an accompanying track. Thomson utilizes a vocal processor to deepen his voice and a Minifooger Delay for a slap-back effect.
Great tune and reminds me of wheres your child by BAM BAM.
really good groove and and nasty dark vocal . Well done and great to see moog seemingly relevant.
Love this guys groove!
Great grioove! Would definitely like to hear some more stuff!
Yes. Exactly. ‘Where’s your child!’ Which is this good track’s strength, and weakness in one. It is a fun homage, to a mad, bygone era. When the ecstasy, I was given, was ecstasy! And where the peeps, like me, were in shock at what we were finding in the stores, to put on our decks! I mean respect to the acid that is my roots. And on with the much needed new wave
I remember the time of each new track breaking new ground, I was in Manchester in 87 .
Hearing Model 500 and Machines Laurent x.
This was the period 88 onwards where it happened. Seeing lads crowded round counters in records shops trying to get their hands on the disturbing , detroit,chigago, european freaky records.
Prior to all the digital blandness.
keep music f.cked up.
I give this guy major credit both for playing the whole, long track live, and for also singing it at the same time! Great stuff. The human feel was very evident, and gave this song something extra.
Great tune! But what is that thing he is playing? Is it some new drum machine or sequencer operated by wooden sticks? Maybe it is a Kickstarter project.
Just kidding. Love all drum machines, but live drumming has that mojo, the energy that is visceral, imho. Great job!
I listened to this a second time, on my studio monitors this time, and it sounded even better! Great to see a funky live performance that makes good use of electronics!
Not bad, but they should’ve had KJ Sawka in there if they wanted to see someone do this with true prowess
He’s playing to a track, speaking in a mic, and hitting 4 pads that are generic perch noises from some much more capable Voyager racks. The hat is just the hat, you can hear him playing over the track. Why is this Mooglab worthy? I like when the groups reimagine there tunes taking advantage of the tech (ex: Phantograms was amazing!). This season has been lackluster in the innovation department IMO.
I don’t think I’ve seen anything from the moog lab, maybe other than this, that has been anything other than pedestrian when it comes to synth programming or playing prowess. Clearly that isn’t what they are going for with this series, and are instead trying to get people to identify them with things other than prog rock gods with giant modular stacks behind them. Given how few prog rock gods there are these days, it’s a pretty good strategy.
If you like this, his other group Trans AM is more of a Kraftwerk-meets-Heavy rock experience. The album ‘Futureworld’ is a personal favorite.
Nice house sound but something is missing. Maybe ideas?