Propellerhead announced today that Reason 8 is now available for purchase.
Reason 8 introduces a completely redesigned user interface and streamlined workflow that they say is designed to let you ‘move faster from idea to music’.
Here’s the official video intro to Reason 8:
Here’s an overview of the new workflow features in Reason 8:
The final video looks at Reason’s new guitar and bass amp modeling apps:
Here’s what Propellerhead has to say about Reason 8:
Reason 8 introduces a redesigned user interface, fresh new look and even smoother creative flow. Quickly and easily access your sounds, loops and patches whenever you need them using a new browser and search window—a one-stop-shop for creative inspiration. Dial-in incredible guitar and bass tones with a collection of new amps from legendary circuit modeler Softube—simply plug in your instrument, crank up the volume and experience the uncompromising tone, response and dynamics of the world’s finest classic amplifiers.
Reason 8 also features countless usability improvements that put the flow back in workflow. Drag-and-drop from anywhere to anything and work faster with fewer clicks. Edit your tracks quickly with more powerful sequence note editing. Reason 8 lets you flow seamlessly from initial idea to completed song. And, with an ever-expanding selection of Rack Extension plug-ins available in the Propellerhead shop, you can easily expand your rack to include everything your music needs—now and in the future.
Pricing and availability
- Reason 8 is available now, with the following suggested pricing:
- Reason 8 EUR €405 / USD $449
- Reason Essentials 8 EUR €120 / USD $129
- Reason 8 Upgrade (from any previous Reason version) EUR €129 / USD $129
- Free upgrade for users that purchased Reason 7 on or after July 1, 2014.
See the Propellerhead site for details.
Reason 8 just seems to be catching up with basic DAW features and they seem pleased with that!
I cant believe this is a paid update, new Softtube Amps just replace the Line 6 amps as they lost the licence for that. Whatever happened to the props’ creativity and invention….massive disappointment (long time user since ReBirth)
Dear Propellerhead,
You were my first DAW. I used to love you! I loved that you opened your heart up to let Abelton Live come in and play back when you couldn’t speak wave file. What happened to you? Why are you so Prejudice VST”S and AU? I know you say it’s because “they are unreliable” or “the bring you down” but honestly this is such a turn off for me I feel like I don’t know you anymore! Your Narcissistic attitude it’s making me sick!
Just STOP! We really miss you! You should really consider making your “rack” into a VST/AU unit that we can drop into any other DAW without the use of rewire. That is my dream. I know so many people would love to use you this way! Please come back to us before it’s to late.
I agree but i’m quite sure VST/AU support will never be implemented in reason.
If they do that, they kill their business based on RE.
RE is money for Props.
VST/AE is not.
Really bored about this and I think I will quit the boat.
Yes, propellerhead talk about the creation of rewire and the surprise to te company with the creation of the vst 2 format only a few months of the rewire existence
450$ wtf?!
This is not the update of the year, this is the joke of the millenium ^^
The downward spiral….
a shame, I too enjoyed Props in the early days, but nothing to see here.. move along folks
So basically they just added the Logic Pro X “Library” panel and charge 60% of the price of Logic Pro X for it…as Hall and Oates once said “I can’t go for that, no can do”.
You mean 60% more! Yikes! When Logic Pro X is only $200 why bother with anything else? (Except Ableton if you like the workflow better)
I’ve been a Reason user since 1.0. Bought it the day it was released. This is the first update I’m not getting. It’s just not worth it. I’m feeling very disappointed with the Props right now.
I have been using reason since version 4, and this is the first time I’m skipping an update. Im not saying the Props are greedy, it is just that what it’s been offer in this update doesn’t make any change in MY workflow. But as an upgrade I will be getting some Re’s.. So after all the Props are getting my money either way!
As many above have said- Props fan since ReBirth and Reason user since day one.
I have happily purchased every update, but this is just a joke. There is nothing in this that is an upgrade at all… The Interface looks worse than it was before too!!! Drag and Drop browsing- who cares?.
Where is the new, larger, Matrix with step entry?
How about new drum sounds/loops for the DrRex?
Poly arpeggiator?
Audio to Midi like Melodyne?
Audio correction?
Tempo detection?
Inclusion of Recycle for sample/loop manipulation.
$450?…logic pro x is $199…so way buddy.
Reason 6.5 owner here, agree with the above. Have stopped paying for updates due to overcharging for minor improvements and other features that are more catch-up to basic functionality everyone else has.
Look, I’m not expecting these guys to provide updates for free, but if you’re going to ask for what’s now well over $100 every 9-12 months it better not be for a frikkin browser panel.
Interesting as a 6.5 owner you would be getting all the features of version 7 and version 8 for $129. Besides didn’t you get version 6 for “pay what you want”. How much did you pay? Then version 6.5 for free plus two free REs. SMH
Don’t try to go elsewhere.
We don’t talk about what we have paid in the past BUT what we can get in this update for 129$ or 129eur. Quite simple: NOTHING
* Softube RE are replacement for LINE 6 amps (Props lost the licence)
* New GUI / Browser: Who care? Eight major release to provide this and Props want to convince users to upgrade for it at 129$/eur?
And what?
nothing, NOTHING. Just a joke.
i just upgraded from 6.5 to 7.1 but i was in the time limit for the 8 upgrade so i got everything in one go, midi out, audio slicing, bus channels, spectrum eq, new browser, drag and drop, and 4 free RE’s.
and yes, the two softube amps were free, theres no other way about it, you might think they are a replacement for the line 6 amps, but if you listen very closely youll notice the line 6 werent even amps to begin with. unless your idea of an amp is having youre guitar sounding like its stuck inside a jam jar. they were a joke and were only good for dirtying up a synth
i think the best thing people could do is get their head around the concept that they can skip updates with reason and get twice as much for the same price every second year. and that seems like it will be the case with this version… people not updating in this version will get a great deal this time next year and they can stop complaining for 5 minutes
On a poll in their forums 65% of the users do not plan to upgrade. Where does that leave the Rack Extension developers – is it worth developing for the version 8 framework when you have a smallish fragmented user base.
There is no RE framework specific for Reason 8. The new framework already works in Reason 7.
11 positive remarks for something that simply isn’t true.
They are stating “Reason 8 supports the latest generation of Rack Extensions, offering interactive displays and compelling sample based instruments”. So are you saying this is already supported in version 7. If so that is one less reason to upgrade.
We ran a poll prior to the upgrade and it showed that less than 20% of people polled had no intention of upgrading, just under 50% were planning to upgrade straight away. The remainder were either going to check out the features and then decide or wait and see if the Props would throw in a freebie with the upgrade.
That does not sit with your 65%?
Just reporting what I saw. And I’ve never seen to much negativity for a new version both on their forum and elsewhere.
reason was my first love!
Reason has become appreciably advanced and I can see why some would use it as their main tool. Opening the Rack Extension format was a great idea. That said, this kind of ‘update’ feels like bad faith or even greed in some odd way. I won’t sling sh*t by naming the company, but I dropped my first DAW due to exactly this sort of thing. They had their hand out far too often, their constant system patches often ruined my templates and they might as well have had NO customer service section. The friction became ridiculous. I would suggest to all manufacturers that they follow the behavioral models employed by Apple, Camel Audio and Dave Smith. All are very accessible and they often ask for small fees or none. Camel does great things like shaving a bit off the price of your next sound set when you are in the user base. Good example of good faith.
Reason is a quality system; they simply should have sought a much smaller fee for the minor changes and not smudged their user base’s good will a bit. Don’t waste time cussing them. Its a niche market and staffs are often surprisingly small. Programmers are quite busy and often not the #1 choice for the PR side of it. If they offer a price cut or a ticket for a break on the next more serious upgrade, it’ll iron itself out. If people overlook something, give ’em a little time to address it.
Unreasonable. It’s not that cool anymore. I think if I upgraded I’d be admitting I was trapped in an upgrade path. It’s like a joke and a slap in the face. Not only not upgrading I’m jumping off the train. Propellerhead shouldn’t think of it as me rage quitting Reason but rather me just walking past their booth of overpriced Beanie Babies at the flea market.
Just wanted to add that I absolutely love and use Thor and ReBirth on iPad. I just thoroughly resent Propellerhead’s current state of Reason.
405€ HAhahah! no way!!!
Clearly time the props focused on iOS apps exclusively I think. Apart from their latest vocal toy, their other apps are impressive, affordable and popular. Thor is a great synth, a lot of thought went into the iOS version and figure is a very clever and fast groove maker
For sure @kallepa, the props iOS guy will read this, so Kalle, PLEASE bring reason for iOS , it will be worth it:)
This should have been unpaid 7.x update with the option of purchase Soft tube Re for $29.
Like many others here, I’ve been Reason and Rebirth user since day one and have never missed an update.
Looks like this will be the first time though…
Not so sure. I think their iOS offerings are crap as well.
Thor and Rebirth are just ports, requiring minimal work for the Props, and providing nothing exceptional as iOS devices go.
Figure and Take are half-arsed products. Neither can share project files with Reason (…), and Take doesn’t even have a direct way for audio export/email/sharing. Compare with what Steinberg has done with their Cubasis for iOS, or Apple with Garageband, or ImageLine with Fruity Loops…
Waiting for the most likely RE bundle for free for Reason 8 that will happen within 1-3 months.
Yes me too! But I’ll pay for it (perhaps) because i’m a reason 7 user…
So what?
You have paid 129$/eur for an update and will get (perhaps) a free RE?
I pay nothing for the update and, if not free to all, a few bucks for one RE!
Wow, what a BIG deal!
It’s not the most exciting upgrade and maybe not the best value but why does everyone have to get upset about it? If you don’t like the price and the new features continue to use what you’re using. Nobody is forcing you to upgrade and it’s highly likely Reason 9 will be out in a year.
You are the only one who see NEW FEATURE in this release!
We are ALL waiting this list of features that your are talking about… Perhaps you can convince us to upgrade?
As far as I can see the rack is still not scalable. So it’s essential something that originally was designed for a 640×640 screen. I’d love to work more with Thor, but I refuse to change my screen resolution every now and then.
I love Reason, been using it since version 2, but this is a joke. I’m still on version 6. I felt like version 7 should have been a free upgrade, and this is even worse. If your going to ask for more money you got to give me more, simple as that. Im pretty annoyed wit props right now.
They added a file browser for auditioning audio loops, but it doesn’t automatically time-stretch loops to the current project’s BPM. You get a clatter clatter train wreck trying to find a loop to add to the project, and every loop not in the BPM of the project sounds like crap.
The work around, stop the project from playing and then audition your loops. Wow, after all the “workflow” hype this is what you offer. Thanks PH for some damn good WORKFLOW!
Reason is a great DAW, and I too have used it since the early days. But I think they should get back to doing what made them great in the first place – making a virtual ‘modular’ synth lab that looks like real gear. They haven’t released a substantial new synth within an update, in a long time. And now they want to charge us $125 for slide out menus! Hell, I already know all the hot keys for flipping between views, and I’m not one to use a lot of samples so I don’t need to browse that much! Slide out menus are ‘nice’, but they aren’t ‘wow, here’s my money’ nice.
If they were giving us an update that had a bunch of really great synths, or innovative machines, this would be a different day for Reason. But instead, they got a message board chuck full of backlash.
very hard to justify, one thing i am clinging to is their updates have been “from any version” to the newest, so looks like I’m sitting this one out, if version 9 has some substance worth paying for – then ill be on board.
nektar controller + reason + rewire = simply amazing, but this update has nothing for me, and a decent price tag. pass.
Long time user as well. Maybe not so many users updated from 6 to 7, and they hope to catch them on with this update (Reason 7 updates + new UX, seems fairer for €120). Not my case, this is the first update that I’m not going to buy or with I could buy. For what it’s worth, I hope something catches my attention in Reason 9.
one day you all will be forced to update because reason 6.5-7 won’t run under new OS.
This has already sort of happened to me. I’m stuck on 6.5 (not complaining, just sayin’) on an older iMac that can’t be upgraded beyond Snow Leopard.
So a $129 (US) upgrade is small beans compared to the additional $2k+ for a device to run it on.
Off topic a bit, but I’ve recently bought a TASCAM DP24 Portastudio, RM1x, Volcas, Drum machine in a (probably vain) hope of getting off the new release/upgrade treadmill. Easier for me ’cause I primarily play guitar. Yeah, I know, wrong forum.
Exploring the limitations and all that…
reason was my first step into Daws back in version 2 and I upgraded ever since until 7. I even signed up to Beta test but when I found out I could have upgraded from version 2 for the same price as upgrading form 6.5 and have saved myself all of those upgrade fees – I had enough. To charge full upgrade for interface changes and hardly anything else is taking the piss.
I don’t get that people are so upset. If you don’t like Reason 8, wait for Reason 9 and upgrade.
I’m upset that they’ve waited for a full release to add something as basic as double-click to add notes. I really want that, but there is no way I’m paying 129€ for it.
We’re upset because basic features are added that should have been there all along (drap and drop, and a decent browser) and we are charged €129 for them. And we even lose two devices a lot of us have been writing stuff with (Line 6 amps). We do get 2 new amps, so that’s a total net balance of 0 new features plus some small interface improvements. Usually companies don’t charge for mere UI/workflow improvements.
Your proposal is to wait 1 more year to get them, for the same upgrade price, with version 9.
Besides the drag of waiting 1 more year for something that should have been a point release fix, who guarantees that even 9 will finally have some proper new features worth paying for? They could again just add 1-2 gimmicky additions and some stuff other DAWs have had for ages, slap a €129 price on it and call it a day, again.
has anyone of you tried the new version? reason 8 is WAY faster and better to work with than reason 7. sure the update is pricey (should be $49). but still: R8 is the best reason ever!
Wow dude that’s just bullshit sorry.. I have been beta testing for weeks and prefer opening 7 than 8
i’ve been beta testing as well and i never wanna go back to 7. why would you prefer not having the new browser?
WOOOOOWWW YEEEEEEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Easily amused.
I used to love you, Reason. Like ten years ago.
Nope. Not doing it. Reason user since v1, and upgraded most versions. Developers need to actually go outside and sniff the “real world air” and realize they are way behind in many ways. I still love my Reason…but get with the program. Been now using mostly LIVE, some LogicPRO X, more DP8…they all offer so much. I want to see Reaon soar again. Please listen to your users…
Propellerhead Forums
Dear forum user,
In recent attacks on, and other sites using the vBulletin forum software that we have used on, hackers have been able to break the security of vBulletin. While there is no indication that has been affected, we are forced to take action to preserve the privacy of our users.
In the light of these events, we have decided to take down the Propellerhead forums and right now it’s unclear when and how we will bring them back.
As usual, you can find us and other Reason users on our social media channels. Join us there while we are looking into this problem.
Please note that there is no indication that has been under attack. This is a proactive move to secure the privacy of our users.
The Propellerhead Team
Just to prevent negative comments on version 8 and wait the storm pass away… Too many people bored by props and their commercial approch… 129€/$ is indecent for what they added.
This “update” is a joke. I switched to logic x with ni komplete10 and it feels great.
Goodbye reason for a while…
The funny thing is, a fan boy is always a fan boy. What ever PH brings those fan boys and sales people on the PH forum will defend it. God is my witness the next upgrade will be a darker GUI and the price tag will be 129 as usual and still the fan boys will defend the company on their site. I’m done with over priced Re and Reason. Goodluck ppl.