Mackie DL32R Wireless Mixer Lets You Control 32 Channels From Anywhere


Mackie has introduced the DL32R 32-channel digital mixing system – a system built from the ground up with wireless control in mind. The mixer works with Mackie’s Master Fader for iOS.

The DL32R features complete wireless control over everything, including fully-loaded DSP and multi-track recording/playback.

“Early on, Mackie believed that we can bring the user incredible benefits if we just let go of old conventions,” explains Mackie Senior Product Manager Ben Olswang. “By ensuring that each and every feature can be controlled wirelessly without compromise, we are delivering benefits to users that were simply not possible before now.”

Here’s a video intro to the Mackie DL32R:

The Mackie DL32R delivers 32-channels of powerful digital mixing that’s completely controlled wirelessly from your iPad. It’s got direct-to-drive multi-track recording/playback and a compact 3U rackmount design that lets you ditch the snake once and for all.

Fully loaded with DSP on each of the 32 Onyx mic pres and 28 busses, the DL32R provides the power needed for professional applications. Master Fader control app delivers intuitive control over everything, including the ability to digitally recall each and every setting for fast setup.

Here’s a playlist that goes into the system’s features in more depth:

The DL32R 32-channel wireless digital mixer with iPad control will be available worldwide in Q4, 2014, with a street price of about $2,000. See the Mackie site for details.

17 thoughts on “Mackie DL32R Wireless Mixer Lets You Control 32 Channels From Anywhere

  1. It looks pretty decent, and no physical surface is going to give you multi-touch 4 parametric EQ on every channel. This might be worth the money, provided the Pres, latency, and DSP are good enough quality.

  2. these is NOT NEW!!!…. Behringer was better solution long time ago, with the addition of ULTRANET for personal monitors and firewire and USB connections. These Mackie is less interesting.

    1. The Behringer alternative is more expensive, which is unusual for Behringer. Plus, it’s a Behringer, vs a Mackie, which means that you’ll have a channel go out on the mixer at 13 months, right after the warranty goes out.

      1. my X32 with S16 have being working since 2012 with no problems (and many live gigs). I used to hate the old Behringer mixers but the MIDAS & KLARK TEKNIK technology inside the X32 is a total difference. ¿Where is the ULTRANET monitoring system equivalent inside the new Mackie?

        I have also Mackie analogs mixers (32chs) and I love the sound but the X32 arrive so long ago in my workflow since 2012 and I think I continue expanding my mixers inside the X32 or X-Air universe of options. (remember is not old Behringer sound is new MIDAS/Klark Teknik/Behringer mixer I’m talking about).

    2. “Behringer” and “better” in same sentence…

      there are about seven wireless systems in the new sweetwater catalog, and behringer was not the first either. or, NOT NEW!!!!
      also not the cheapest, and defiantly the worst in build quality.

  3. I can’t wait until the wireless drops out and I can’t do ANYTHING on the mixer.

    Also, I wonder what desert these will be stacked in once the iPad is obsolete.

  4. Whilst I would be happy with a Behringer x32 rack , worth noting you would need to also buy the s16 to equal the 32 inputs offered on this mackie.

  5. Me too, I preffer the X32 family; you have the option for connecting 4 s16 boxes (only 40 CHs active on the network) and the Ultranet options for monitoring and New Turbo Sound P.A. is something special.

    Also the X-Control Control surface can be your FOH remote control using ethernet (not just an iPad).

    I love Mackie old analog mixers but many people (like me) switch to the X32 almost two years ago. Some people are confused about the old bad quality Behringer but the new X32 (MIDAS/Klark Teknik is a different beast).

  6. I prefer the SM ProAudio uMix!
    Works with every browser on any device, has its own wirless network, comes in different sizes.. and it’s cheaper!

  7. There is NO comparison between the old midas mixers, i own one, and the behringer with canibalised bits of other companies ideas.

    1. I dunno. I too switched to X32 compact and S16 box a year ago and I couldn’t be happier. My whole outlook on Behringer stuff has completely changed. It really is a fantastic mixer (and 32×32 audio interface). Strange though that Mackie are now copying Behringer and not the other way round.

  8. The x32 is a great machine, so is the dl32r, but they’re different. The mackie has better sounding pres, that was the deal breaker for me since I use it in the studio when I’m not using it live.
    I’ve had success recording with it and then bouncing the tracks through the uad studer and neve plugins. I’m getting the best sounds I’ve ever gotten. 32 in and 14 out. Wow. No the reverb isn’t killer, but it works for phones and for live. If it was really that bad, I could easily use one of the extra outs and plug in the M1 I have sitting in the rack.
    The master fader OS is very good. I like the x32 mix OS a little better, but the fader groups is a definite plus that behringer doesn’t have. I wish they’d employ some things like double tap e fader to have it return to zero or unity. I hope they stick with this and support it. It’s a great product, and the future I think… Time will tell.

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