The Dystopian Project – Winter’s Hall

Sunday Synth Jam: Bruno Di Micco, composer and keyboard player for the Irish progressive rock/metal band The Dystopian Project, shared this video for the band’s Winter’s Hall.

On Winter’s Hall, Di Micco plays Korg and Roland keyboards and Apple iPad.

  • Darrin Bell – Drums
  • Antonia Close – Vocals
  • Bruno Di Micco – Keys
  • Phil Dolan – Guitars
  • Hytham Martin – Guitars & Vocals
  • Ivan O’Sullivan – Bass & Vocals

9 thoughts on “The Dystopian Project – Winter’s Hall

    1. I don’t agree at all, I enjoyed it really much, the song is great and the video is well made…I suppose it’s just a matter of taste, I’m actually a rock guy.

  1. This is quite good. Not my usual listening fodder but good nonetheless.

    Seems like they want to be Evanescence but still retain some uniqueness.

    Talented musicians all round and pretty fantastic use of geo synth on the iPad:) , which is actually Jordan’s saving grace this app!

  2. Actually more I listen to the song more I like it….They really are talented musicians and God, the gear is just unbelievable.
    Had a check to the facebook page and listened to the other song they have, Broken Reality. Man, I can’t wait to listen more, they are awesome.

  3. it sounds so overproduced and fake.

    1980 called… they want their guitar sound back. when will people stop using that thin, overly chorused, bon jovi sound. furthermore this is what it sounds like when you use only amp sims for recording. don’t get me wrong, it’s a cool song, and they are very talented. just those sounds……..ugh

  4. Are you serious? It sounds great to me, I mean, the production and the overall sound is great.
    I’m not a big fan of the amp sims myself but this doesn’t sound fake at all.
    Somebody here mentioned the other song, broken reality, and it sounds even better.

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