Analogue Solutions has introduced Nyborg-12 – a new ‘no-compromise’ analog monosynth.
Analogue Solutions notes:
Nyborg is a precision electronic musical instrument. No compromise has been made with the construction of Nyborg. Cheaper options in parts have not been used.
The Nyborg can be used independently, it can be mounted with optional wood end-cheeks or rack mounts, and can be combined with additional Nyborg’s to create a 2- or 4-voice synthesizer.
- Full rugged steel/aluminium case – no plastic mouldings
- Good quality smooth potentiometers, fully sealed against dust
- Good quality knobs with spun aluminium caps
- High grade double sided circuit board
- High Quality 16bit DAC for MIDI-CV conversion
- Very stable MIDI to CV
- Very stable analogue oscillators
- Hand built by humans
- True retro analogue voice and modulation circuits to give an authentic retro sound
- 2 VCOs: each with Tune, Octave, Free run, Pulse width mod, Saw wave, Square wave, Sync, plenty of modulation, CV in
- Multimode VCF: 4 filter types, 12dB/octave, Telemark style filter, plenty of modulation, Q boost switch, CV control
- VCA, Mixer
- 2 EGs: with Gate CV in
- LFO, Sample and Hold, Noise, Sub Oscillator
- MIDI to CV converter – use with your DAW
- 2 units can be bolted together – and with optional rack ears – rack mounted
- 2 untis can be played duophonically
- 4 units can be played quadphonically
The Analogue Solutions Nyborg-12 is available for £599. See the AS site for details.
the sound of one hand clapping
can’t hear it
Yeah “no-compromise mono synth” seems like an oxymoron.
Not for musicians with talent. Wendy Carlos, Emerson, Wakeman, Bernie Worrel – all understood the power of using a mono synth.
When people complain about synthesizers not being polyphonic, it’s clear that their understanding of synthesis is very limited.
It’s gonna sound similar to a Telemark but without the patchbay, therefore it’s gonna sound stunning like all Analogue Solutions gear does.
Whoa man, that’s some good Nyborg….
Bruce and Harriet Nyborg? Do you want to see the memos? They’re nuts. When I was with Webb, they used to call in every week. Did you see how they were living? Call the bank. I called them four months ago, when we first got the lead. They’re insane, Shelly. They just like talking to salesmen.
Metal, Heavy!
I don’t care for specs and looks. Show what it sounds like already, or you could as well share nothing.
Yep – we want audio demos, Analogue Solutions
why do they insist on using those fonts? jack bauer called, he wants his monosynth back…
Looks good to me, specs look good, but I need an audio demo!
When I see the phrase “No Compromise” I automatically assume it’s going to be overpriced.
when I see no compromise, I think…hes busting his butt to give us what we want.
When I hear someone complain about a synth’s price, I always assume that they have no experience using great instruments..
I bet they’re making a sound demo right about …!
take my money.
bolt them together and rack mount them….genius. hopefully theres other things coming we can bolt together swap out and rack mount! keep it coming tom. good work.
No Compromise?
No VCO out too..if these are featured as being as expandable as they are, you’d imagine that there would be a VCO out to apply FM between units.
It’s just another mono synth with a few basic patch points. I bet it sounds pretty good, but there’s nothing new to see here. When are fixed architecture monos going to become more exciting? We’ve had these for what, 50 or so years now? When will somebody push the envelope and produce a beautiful, alternate architecture mono synth? I know that’s what modular is for, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it MUST remain solely in the modular format. We’ve got the ingredients for something else, but we keep rehashing the same, safe vanilla.
If it had 254 VCO’s, it would’ve probably also – according to you – be a compromise, ’cause it could have had 255..
Or, Just buy a boomstar…..
I like the “very stable” terminology directly proportional to “very pricey”
Why should we have to choose between noise OR sub in the mixer ???
If both are produced in the synth, I’d like to be able to add some creamy little noise while sub rumbles !
anyone else?
£599 seems OK. Really looking forward to this hear this one.
A shame that when you go to the site, that £599 becomes £718 with 20% VAT and then the delivery charge on top. Doesn’t seem like such a good deal.
If you’re going to go all-out to make a decent analogue synth, surely you would try to find an interface design that makes it easy to see your settings at a glance?! I’m talking about the round knobs especially, with their combination of polished-metal shine and small black markers – it makes them look very retro, but near useless when you need to quickly see which position the pot is currently set to. A non-circular design would have gone a long way towards ease-of-use!
Come on Analogue Solutions! Give us a four or six voice now!
i had found a video
sry its the Telemark
Looks remarkably like a repackaged Semblance.
I have owned 3 Analog Solutions Synths (owned being the operative word).
All have sounded great, however the build quality on my Mk1 Telemark and Mk1 Leipzig and Mk1 Redsquare left an awful lot to be desired at that price point.
Both the Redsquare & Leipzig had dodgy pitch tracking over midi and the Leipzig had terrible filter calibration issues. My Telemark turned up with a bowed front panel & incorrect PSU.
From an aerial view there was a 3-4mm gap in between the front panel and the top pf the unit leaving the electronics exposed to dust and what not if it was not place in a rack with another synth above it.
So I hope his “no compromise” stance includes better build quality.
Suffice to say the Leipzig got exchanged for a Monomachine SFX60MkII (which may well be all digital) but I don’t regret the decision one bit and suffice to say still have my Monomachine in the studio several years later.
Owning a SubPhatty, Analog Four and SEMPro it’s made me a tad more picky on build quality at a certain price point. If you want me to pay 1k + Canadian for these things you had better bring your “A Game” on the build front.
One person’s no compromise is another persons SEM isn copy. I am sure it sounds great but having fewer features than an OB1 or a Crumar Spirit from 30 years ago………Come on lets have a grands worth of synth with some interesting new ideas but is that AS’s way of working and how many would they sell? Anyone here buy one?
It lacks the one additional thing the money is: a store
of value.