Loopy Masterpiece – Layers, Inputs/Outputs & Effects

Developer Michael Tyson (Loopy, Audiobus) is working on an advanced version of his iOS looping app, Loopy, and is looking feedback on his plans for the app.

Loopy: Masterpiece Edition will be an advanced looping app that incorporates a DAW-style linear view and more.

In the above video, Tyson shares his ideas on track layers in the new app. Below, he discusses Inputs, Outputs and Effects. 

You can view his full series of videos on Loopy: Masterpiece Edition via the embed below:

Note: Loopy: Masterpiece Edition is currently in the early development stages. Tyson is sharing his plans so that he can get user feedback and create an app that is tailored to user needs. You can give Tyson feedback via his project blog.

via ATastyPixel

3 thoughts on “Loopy Masterpiece – Layers, Inputs/Outputs & Effects

  1. Make it easy for those of us who have already bought HD to upgrade!

    Have just barely scratched the surface with HD so far, but looking forward to having some of the same perks I get in the studio available.

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