Korg today released Module for iPad, a new app that turns an iPad into a mobile sound module.
Korg Module features five dedicated sound engines, a set list function with PDF image score viewer and music player, and the ability to record performances and share them via SoundCloud.
The engines feature technology that was developed for Korg’s keyboard workstations and synthesizers, including: Acoustic Piano, Electric Piano, Clav, Organ, and Multi.
Korg Module is available now at an introductory price of US $29.99 (normally $39.99) in the App Store.
If you’ve used Korg Module, let us know what you think of it!
- 90 programs
- Five modules
- Acoustic Piano
- Electric Piano
- Organ
- Clav
- Multi
- Master Effects
- Modulation effect
- Ambience effect
- Usable simultaneously
- Play using an external MIDI keyboard
- Program change
- The damper pedal can be used to switch the rotary speed
- Virtual MIDI
- MIDI over Bluetooth
- Usable in Gadget as five types of Gadget
- Set List Functionality
- Change programs for each song you perform
- View images or PDF scores
- Use the internal camera to capture memos, etc.
- Edit text to create memos
- Load text files
- Load and play songs from the library of the Music app
- Adjust the playback speed of songs
- MIDI Player
- Load and play Standard MIDI Files
- Audio Recording
- Upload to SoundCloud
- Upload to Dropbox
- Export to Mac/PC via iTunes file sharing
- Velocity Curve
- Dynamics can be varied by your playing on a MIDI keyboard
- Other
- Inter-App Audio
- Audiobus 2 support
Devices Supported:
iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3, iPad Air, iPad mini 2, Fourth-generation iPad, Third-generation iPad, iPad 2, iPad mini
Devices and approximate polyphony:
- iPad Air 2: 72 voices
- iPad Air, iPad mini 3, iPad mini 2: 64 voices
- Fourth-generation iPad: 48 voices
- Third-generation iPad, iPad 2, iPad mini: 32 voices
Note: Polyphony will depend on the sounds and on the latency setting. Korg recommends using the latest model of iPad. Korg recommends using with a device with high storage capacity.
Expansion Sound Libraries:
- SYNTHOGY Ivory Mobile Grand : 2GB
- KORG Wurley Electric Piano : 120MB
I got this earlier today and I love it, especially the piano and electric piano. All the modules sound fantastic, except for the strings, which to my ears is just ok. The rest of the modules are excellent – they are the same sound quality and playability as mid to high end desktop virtual instruments, which go for $200-250 and up.
I see no downside if you’re using it for playing or performing, actually probably preferable to the desktop equivalent. For recording, plugins still are going to fit into most peole’s workflows better.
Korg continues to nail it!
I’m using an ipad 2 – had to upgrade to ios 8 to use korg module, which I had not planned to do. The performance is acceptable, but there is noticeable latency. It would be nice if you could change midi settings to map knobs on a controller to the ones in the app.
The piano sounds are nice – not spectacular, but for $30 it’s amazing. The other modules are fun – I really like the clav sounds.
The clavinet sure sounds great, at least in the demo video!
The lack of Midi mapping is a major downfall. Can’t understrand it’s not a feature, or a coming feature. Love the sounds, but unfortunately it’s not as suitable for gigging as I had hoped for due to earlier mentioned shortcomings.
Some really nice piano sounds for an iPad. Having said that, I do still have an iPad2 and my music software is starting to take the strain. Especially with the 2Gb it takes for the piano.
The synthogy pianos are by a mile the best pianos available for iOS
A Bit cpu demanding, runs ok on the Ipad 3. For the asked price, it does sounds really good.
A good companion to gadget as well.
Can you transpose entire sequence with a flick of a wrist on Gadget?
Lol. I see you asking this everywhere and regarding to different apps. I may have some solution for you. Or at least some ideas to work with.
You can transpose patterns on the fly on Genome with a dedicated slider, but it’s more like for changing pitchs more or less at random (within a scale, if you have set the piano roll to a given scale). There’s another technique, which is: in the piano roll view, select the notes you want to transpose and transpose them up or down manually. The good thing is the pitch will not change until you release the selected notes, so you can keep the changes in tempo with a little practice.
Gadget will instead preview the pitch changes as you move the pattern up and down. But you can also transpose a pattern on the fly in Gadget by quickly drawing pitchbend automations. It works pretty well.
(for both Genome and Gadget, we are always talking of a single pattern/voice/MIDI channel).
Keep in mind that’s what pitchbend MIDI messages do, transpose pitches (always chromatically). So any app receiving MIDI pitchbend can work for you, actually. I, for example, use to transpose my Volca Bass sequences from the pitchbend wheel of an external keyboard (i just do it fast and right before the beginning of the pattern when I want to avoid the slide effect). I’m pretty sure you may find a more sophisticated way of doing that by sending sudden and discrete pitchbend changes to an arbitrary value from some kind of MIDI (software or hardware) controller.
(of course, you can also transpose the Volca sequences by using the LFO. On most synthesizers you may have a way to transpose sequences using pitch modulations from the synth engine itself)
Finally, another iOS app comes to my mind, and it may actually be the best solution for you: Yamaha’s Mobile Sequencer. On this one you can re-harmonize patterns AND sections (that is, 6 patterns/voices at once) on the fly. That is, if C major is the default chord, just assign C# to the whole section for to transpose a semitone up all the notes (but you can actually set any other chord, and different transposing rules for each voice, it’s quite sophisticated…).
Mmh. And I’ve just forgot the most lovely iOS not-exactly-a-sequencer-but-who-cares: StepPolyArp. You can transpose sequences/arpeggios by just tapping a note (or chord) from a (virtual, or a MIDI attached) keyboard. It’s hard to explain how it works, but easy to understand and wonderfully designed. Just get it. It’s awesome.
Sounds delicious, bought it instantly, what a bargain especially that for the limited time only you get Wurley for free
Just what I needed. Dig all the sounds but I really like the clavinet. Korg killing bank accounts once again. Well done!
bought module for $40. what a disappointment, let me say that I am a big fan of Korg. I use ilectric and ipiano aps live, on full stage setting, running stereo out of ipad (original first gen). I bought the module ap to run on a newer version ipad mini so not the ipad that is the problem. this program cuts out regularly (all aps closed, running in airplane mode, etc). but the real letdown is NO MIDI ASSIGNABILITY. this is insane, ilectric and ipano aps let you assign all controls independently, I cannot believe korg missed this. it makes the ap unusable for me (I run a split on the master keyboard – yamaha pf-100) whereas I use the onboard bass into a bass rig, then assign the upper keyboard (which automatically works on the ilectric and ipiano aps) to the ipad so that I can route that into its own stereo pa. the module just ignores the splits and runs over the top of the entire thing. on top of that, the sounds and controls are not as detailed as ik’s aps. big big let down as the ability to do all this range of sounds within one ap (not having to close ipano for ilectric) and the programability of this ap were very appealing – the non midi functions makes this all moot. big letdown, I’ve emailed korg with my disappointment and hope there’s an upgrade for this. what a waste of $40 as I cannot use.
Here is a youtube video how to inport / export Setlist of Korg Module App: