Free Editor For Korg Volca Sample (Android, iOS, Mac & Windows)


Rej Poirier of Single Cell Software has introduced Caustic Editor for Volca Sample – a free, multiplatform (Android, iOS, Mac & Windows) app that lets you import, load, record, edit and upload samples for the Korg Volca Sample.

“Korg were nice enough to open up their volca sample SDK to 3rd parties,” says Poirer, “so I took a few days to rip out Caustic’s WAV editor and turn it into a stand-alone, multi-platform tool.”

“It was taken from my Caustic 3.2 working branch,” he adds, “so it even has a few more functions than what’s in Caustic 3.1!”


  • Record your own samples using your device’s built-in microphone.
  • Load any uncompressed, mono or stereo WAV, at any sampling rate or bit depth
  • Apply any of 16 of Caustic’s effects and preview them in real-time, then stamp down and apply more.
  • Process waveform audio with Fade In/Out, Normalize, Amplify, Reverse, etc.
  • Use Caustic’s C-SFXR to generate retro video game sounds.
  • Trim audio precisely, down to individual samples.
  • View the frequency spectrum of your audio.
  • iOS-Only Features:
    • iOS: Audiobus compatible (receiver)
    • iOS: AudioShare compatible (import/export)
    • iOS: AudioCopy/Paste compatible (import/export)
    • iOS: iTunes file sharing support
    • iOS: Open In… support for .wav files.
  • Volca Sample-specific features:
    • Upload to any of the 100 sample slots and keep a database of your device’s state.
    • Clear all samples
    • Restore factory samples
    • Monitor device memory

Caustic Editor for Volca Sample is a free download via the Single Cell Software site. The iOS version is in the approval process.

21 thoughts on “Free Editor For Korg Volca Sample (Android, iOS, Mac & Windows)

  1. I love Caustic. Rej is a very talented developer. IMHO Caustic is the most full-featured and accessible music app on iOS. After wading through all the other apps I find that I can sit with Caustic and make music without any hassle. I prefer it to everything else, even Gadget. This little sample editor is just a sub-set of Caustic and has a lot going for it.

    1. Totally agree. Actually, they should just hire him for obscene amounts of money. He beat them to Gadget by 4 or 5 years—on all platforms!

      Seriously, imagine would Rej could pull off in Gadget.

  2. Excellent work by Rej and this makes the volca sample a very interesting device.

    Korg could have avoided the negativity when this Volca was originally announced if they had just announced the SDK at the same time. Kudos to them for doing this, though, they’ve redeemed the Volca Sample!

  3. can’t agree more!. Big thanks and kudos for the developer. Don’t have an IOs device, but now i’ll get a Volca with an Android app avalable for sample transfer and more. 🙂

  4. Cool! and perhaps in future version some more features from caustic could be added as well (generating the wav file from their other synth)

  5. Downloaded and played around with it a bit. There’s no documentation of any kind available for newbs and the app just crashes randomly in OS X.

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