Last week, Studio Electronics introduced four Boomstar Modular System modules – Eurorack modules, created in partnership with Pittsburgh Modular, based on the Boomstar all-in-one synthesizer designs.
Now they have introduced the complete Boomstar Modular System – 14 modules that they say ‘dramatically opens up the root level programming and sound sculpting of that lush and potent, and already flexible Boomstar sound’.

Here are the 14 Boomstar Modular System modules that have been officially announced, with expected ship dates:
- MIDI (2-1-15)
- OSCILLATION (2-1-15)
- 3003 (now shipping)
- 4075 (now shipping)
- 5089 (now shipping)
- SE80 (3-1-15)
- SEM (4-1-15)
- MULTIPLE (2-1-15)
- LEVELS (2-1-15)
- SCI-FY (2-1-15)
- SHAPERS (2-1-15)
- AMP (now shipping)
- LFO (2-1-15)
- OUTS (2-1-15)
Studio Electronics has also announced two all-in-one Boomstar Modular Systems:
- MODSTAR SEITO (2-1-15) – 104 hp: Midi 6hp, Oscillation (x2) 32hp, Filter (not SE80) 12hp, Multiple 2hp, Levels 10hp, Sci-Fy 10hp, Shapers 12hp, AMP 8hp, LFO 6hp, Outs 6hp.
- MODSTAR SENSEI (3-1-15) – 172-176 hp: Midi 6hp, Oscillation x3 48hp, Filters 32-46hp (1x 3003, 4075, 5089 or SE80 +1 resonant flt.) Multiple x2 4hp, Levels x2 20hp, SciFy 10hp, Shapers x2 24hp, AMP x2 16hp, LFO 6hp, Outs 6hp.
Detailed specifications and pricing information on the newly announced modules and systems are to come. See the SE site for more info.
Very interesting! I was lookink at their desktop synth but did not know which filter to choose. Now I can have several without buying several complete synth
The 2 synthtopia articles on the modstar filter modules, say they are on sale. Where?
The 2 Synthtopia articles say they are ‘now shipping’ – we have not seen any official word on who’s carrying them yet, and Studio Electronic’s ‘Purchase’ link goes to a dealer inquiry page:
We’ve asked SE for dealer details.
If anyone has information on where these modules are available, leave a comment with the details!
Talk about tedious. Theyve ignored the people who have asked the same on their facebook page but they are responding to technical questions. Its too close to xmas now.
we have them available for preorder over at Nova Musik.
They will be shipped as soon as we get them in the warehouse. They are on order and supposedly they are now shipping so they will likely show soon and be sent right out. Call in if you’d like some more info, our sales guys could probably give you a better idea of when they’re going out.
I should mention we only ship in the united states though
J, I have personally answered every question on FB. Not sure where you’re going with that…
The earliest response from 8 hrs. ago: “Studio Electronics Thanks for your interest Rick. Contact Geoff Farr at GSF: and he’ll connect you to a Boomstar Modular retailer in your area.
Like · Reply · 8 hrs
The most recent here:
Of course I shared Robot Speak’s BMod url ( yesterday. Overwhelmed with interest, but certainly not tedium. Regardless, hope you do find your way to a listen of one or all of the Modstar offerings.
Thanks for addressing the reader questions – it makes a huge difference to readers to know that companies are listening to their customers.
Welcome Synthhead! Pleasure having the opportunity to connect directly on this fine forum with folks interested in the Modstar line.
Great. Thanks for the update. I was about to purchase a number of euro modules (in germany), and cancelled that idea in favour of buying the new modstars (as the s.t articles advise the modstars are convieniently now shipping). After doing a web search i was frustrated to find they are actually not yet shipping (and thankyou for clarifying this above).
A release date (for europe) would be useful if possible.
I would like to add, these modules look brilliant and based on the quality of the boomstars, without audio demos, im certain that the modstars are going to be fantastic!
Welcome J! Thanks for your interest and patience—and crisp copy. We delayed the first filters and AMP shipment until today—Greg St. Regis and Tim Caswell weren’t satisfied that all of the last stage tweaks and adjustments had been implemented. Translation: My brother needed to insert himself fully in to the Modstar circuit matrix of these first four beauts, and after a thoroughly obsessive weeklong examination/level balancing act, the two Maestros are convinced near perfection has been achieved
They wouldn’t let go if it weren’t.
The protos sounded amazingly rich and full, and these are definitely a notch up.
I’ll find out exactly where the first units are going—I believe across the pond.
For clarity’s sake:
And thanks for the 12-15 update Synthtopia!
I was interested in a Boomstar, but now may just hold off for a few modules instead. will be carrying them,
I’m pretty sure the filters will come in next week