In this video, Chris Stack (experimentalsynth) demonstrates his hardware setup, featuring Dave Smith Instruments Pro 2, Arturia MicroBrute and an Eventide H9 effects pedal.
Here’s what Stack has to say about it:
A compact, computer-less performance setup that can create a wide variety of new (and old) sounds. The Dave Smith Instruments Pro 2 is the heart of the setup. In addition to its great sound engine, it provides the master MIDI clock to the H9 and sends tempo-synced LFOs, step sequences and more to the MicroBrute via one or more of its four assignable CV outputs.
The MicroBrute is in the cat bird seat here, but also shown is how that position can also be nicely filled by other analog, CV controllable synths. We also take a Moog Voyager for a spin.
Wow, amazing…
You got some complex synths and still manage to make everything sound the same.
That’s a feat in itself.
Let’s see your amazing hardware jam.
You should try and watch/listen on other platforms besides your phone.
Great percussive patch around 2:20. Cool vid.
Thanks… yeah that percussive bit is from the nicely snappy envelopes on the Pro 2.