VST Zone has introduced Eclipsis – a hybrid wavetable synthesizer with three oscillators, each with frequency and subtractive modulation.
Additional modulation is possible with 6 LFO, assignable through a modulation matrix with 9 sources and 39 modulation targets.
Here’s a video preview:
- preset manager.
- complex preset randomization.
- subpreset saving/loading for easy preset creation/modyfication.
- main aplitude control.
- polyphony / voice selector (up to 32 voices).
- portamento (glide).
- 3 independent oscillators each with route output, detune, phase offset, scope, ADSR, smoothing control (1 pole LP filter), pan and amplitude control.
- 118 Waveshapes and 3 additional tools to adjust base Waveshape (increase total number of final shapes to 1888).
- FM modulation with selectable input signal source (Frequency, Pitch, Velocity), detune, waveshaper, scope, smoothing (1 pole LP filter) and amplitude control.
- Subtractive modulation with 17 Filter types, cutoff modulation with selectable input signal source (Frequency, Pitch, Velocity), detune, waveshaper, ADSR, scope, smoothing (1 pole LP filter) and amplitude control.
- mod matrix with amplitude controls, 9 input sources and 39 mod targets.
- 6 LFOs.
- 2 Effect rack each with Reverb, Chorus/Flanger and Delay (syncable to host) effect.
- Arp/Gate module with 8 selectable targets, adjustable number of Steps (4-32), frequency control and divider (example: divide one 32 step pattern to 2 patterns with 16 steps), playback control (Forward, Forward and hold, Backward, Backward and hold, Ping Pong /Forward-Backward/).
- Arp module section for semitones (+/-1 octave range) and for octaves (+/- 5 octaves range, pattern randomization, shift, load and save.
- Gate module with smoothing controls, randomization.
Windows only (32-bit), VST 2.4.
Download at the VST Zone site.
If you’ve used Eclipsis, leave a comment and let us know what you think of it!
this looks like it would make a good ios app
Is there an Initialized patch or blank?
Soon, according to the developer on KVR forum:
“As I metioned before i have started work on additional preset bank with another 75 presets and since there is no initial preset in default bank it will be included in this new package. It will take some time to make interesting patches so be patient.”
Good looking synth.
Init patch
64-bit would be nice. I would even buy them a 6 pack for it.
Yeah it would. But Jbridge works like a charm. I use that for my U.F.O. ZE, and have now issues with it.
Sixty-four bit operation is not primarily a speed advantage. Bandwidth is bandwidth. Most program operation is moving pointers to static data and manipulating that data in place, not moving data. Reading and writing files is a bus process even, what is called the south bridge in some systems, not a CPU process. Huge numbers can aid precision but I defy anyone to hear the difference between a digital sound stored in 32-bits versus 64-bits. Size of available RAM and stored files is more the job of 64-bit operation. A 32-bit operating system running in a 64-bit processor is just as efficient and responsive as a 64-bit operating system. You can have more tracks and more complex tracks in your DAW in 64-bits, but it will bog down faster than a 32-bit application running at twice the system speed.
I am going to test this. I have used their U.F.O. ZE for a long time, and love the sonics it can produce. This one seem to have similar posibilities.
Been have a quick play with it now, and it sounds awesome. Lots of possibilities to produce the wierdest sounds. It really is a creator of other worlds this one. Just like I like it
Thanks guys 
This looks and sound really interesting!