Aphex Twin Wins 2015 Best Dance/Electronic Album Grammy


Among the early announced 2015 Grammy Awards, Aphex Twin (Richard D. James) has received the Best Dance/Electronic Album Grammy, for Syro. 

The other nominees included:

  • While (1<2), Deadmaus
  • Nabuma Rubberband, Little Dragon
  • Do It Again, Röyksopp and Robyn
  • Damage Control, Mat Zo

Here’s minipops 67 from Syro:


31 thoughts on “Aphex Twin Wins 2015 Best Dance/Electronic Album Grammy

  1. no shit whit a promotion like that.. was same like daft punk, every corner of the internet hes album was pushed in my face, now as the tip of the mountain he got a grammy. its all planed bullshit.
    the album was good but nothing new.

      1. Look, the point is its a good album no doubt.. But we talk here about the BEST of the year.
        I can tell you i have heard this year way more artist that deserve the light whit there album, by being creative and new. Richard is a guy already in the picture, an just does a regulair album, and has a fan base.

        Why not somebody who deserves it, a new guy whit a fresh sound as good. Cause there are enough.

        I hear also much people talk, there is nothing new new.. No wonder if you block your vision and stay whit the artist that produce the same shit over and over since you discovered electronic music.

        1. Well, first of all, it’s the Grammys, they’ve never really been known for exposing little known artists or even properly defining genres. I’m sure the Arcade Fire thing was a total fluke. While, I think Aphex deserved it the whole idea of “best albums” or songs is just a dumb concept anyway and it’s weird that people still take it seriously. Syro is an excellent record, I think it’s one of his best, if not the best, certainly better than the albums that were nominated along with it. Also, to most people Aphex is little known, Deadmau5 is more of a “household” name than Aphex Twin, especially to the kids.

        2. There is a lot more exciting stuff going on than Aphex Twin, i agree with you but. This is the Grammys. There won’t be any adventurous choices. Also, i feel Aphex Twin deserves the Grammy not only for Syro but also for all the things he has done before.

    1. You can’t really pull the establishment card with Aphex, other than a little bit of clever deep web stuff, a London blimp and New York stencil, and releasing studio lists and snippets, I imagine it had little marketing, not even a standard press release – bemused and confused is how he likes it. He is a deeply respected in the industry and new work is going to be anticipated, so he only had to shine a bat symbol in the sky, and the rest was auto-play – a smart move from a clever guy. It really highlights an organic process; be respected, make good work, make people aware of that new work, people share that information about your work, people buy your work, then awards given to you for that work.

      1. You really think “music awards” are anything else but marketing events conceived by big companies? That quality of music has anything to do with it? Dream on.

    2. You seriously suggesting daft punk didn’t deserve accolades? One of the best electronic/dance albums of the decade imo. And the reason you’re seeing this album over of the net is likely due to your browsing tendencies. Online ads aren’t static.

    3. That album was announced like a month in advanced, which is pretty short notice by today’s standards. There’s going to be buzz when an artist hasn’t announced an album in 13 years. Also, most of the promotion was from Warp. Computer Controlled was announced with almost no fanfare and dude just gave away 150 tracks when he certainly could have made money off them. Syro is a good damn record, certainly better than anything else that was nominated along with it.

    4. Daft Punk only won a Grammy because they had just released an album when they hadn’t had a record out for 8 years prior. It only stands that RDJ should get the same treatment after 13 years of no Aphex releases..

    5. It’s the Grammy awards, so what, they mean nowt, they’re just a celebration of mediocrity and pure commercialism.

      So good on him.

  2. I tried to listen ………it sounds like the last track of a 1$ ambient CD from the mid 90’s……Grammy is big money business…..with sometimes a good surprise…in the jazz section….

  3. I love Aphex Twin. Good for him. But c’mon, to not be cynical about the whole Grammy thing is utterly naive. Each year they (and many other awards) put someone in who is a dark horse to show they’re “edgy” and with it and this year the dark horse won because lots of mainstream press wrote about him. Did anyone hear the NPR story they did on him? Anyone with anything deeper than a purely superficial interest in Aphex Twin could hear the bullshit in what they were spouting, with omissions and historical errors and all the rest of the crap you hear when someone doesn’t know WTF they’re talking about but still talks anyway, all with an air of expertise and full of knowing winks. This is the awards show version of that.

  4. I have just flipped through some of the tracks by the other nominees listed above – and they are appalling. I found Syro dated and not very good, but it is clearly better than the other albums.

  5. The Grammys are bad joke. Just look at the mainstream garbage that take home prizes every year. The fact that the other nominees for this category are such crap makes me think that AFX nomination was the choice of ‘internet click counting’ marketers. It’s like apples versus oranges. Maybe the judges panel have no idea what quality music is, or maybe their just fools and crooks. Whatever their deal is, they lack integrity, and their decisions are questionable.

    I still love AFX though!

  6. Ugh you aging hippies going on about how contrived the grammys are need to get on already. We know they are bullshit, at least one of us weirdos accidentally leaks into the mainstream every so often, you should all be happy someone like Aphex gets to deny people like skrillex another circle-jerk award

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