At the 2015 NAMM Show, Abstrakt Instruments introduced the Avalon Bassline synthesizer – a modern 303-style synthesizer with some interesting updates.
The Avalon Bassline is an analog bassline synthesizer, with core circuitry based on the Roland TB-303 synthesizer, to which a new layer of analog and digital circuitry has been added.
- Core analog and digital circuitry based on TB-303 – Incorporates layout and parts from the original bassline, including carbon film resistors, united chemi-con electrolytic capacitors, poly foil film capacitors, original IC’s, and sanyo/on semi & mitsubishi transistors.
- Synth Cartridge System – Compatible with the cartridge system in the form of filter plugin carts.
- Extensive Analog Control – In addition to the six analog controls of the original bassline, the avalon includes controls for sub osc/ext input level, filter tracking, accent decay time, vca decay (normal to full off), utility envelope attack & decay time, utility envelope to vfc and vca modulation depths, frequency response select (normal and full range.
- Extensive Digital Control – In addition to backwards compatibility with the TB-303 pattern write pitch & time modes the avalon incorporates new progamming modes making extensive use of (16) step LED switches. Patterns can be up to 64 steps in length (up to 4 sections x 16 steps) and each pattern can have numerous scales including triplet modes. Real-time editing includes slide time select, utility envelope trigger mode, pattern step skipping, pattern reverse, rotate, random, & shuffle. There is also an arpeggiator that can be performed real-time or recorded directly into a pattern.
- MIDI & DIN Sync – Sync source can be selected as internal, MIDI, or Din Sync, and the avalon sends both MIDI & Din Sync.
- Audio inputs & Outputs – Includes main & headphone outputs, saw and square outputs (+/-5V), external input, and filter and vca outputs.
- CV Inputs & Outputs – Includes cv & gate input and output, filter cv Input, & accent sweep output.
For more information, see the Abstrakt Instruments site.
In other words, an x0xb0x with all the mods included…
I really want one of these. i’ve been looking at the x0xb0x for a long time but this might just beat that wish.
Any idea how much it will cost ? Couldn’t see any mention on their site.
about $800 …. (from gearslutz)
this beats that wish by far… holy shit its perfect!
lets hope they won’t make us rob banks.
funny isn’t it how am thinking about making some spending cuts to accommodate one of these and my reaction to the roland tb-3 was flat. I think the tb-3 is an awesome little box with its pricing and features but it just never felt like it was meant for me.
I will wait till the bugs have been fumigated (my approach with all hardware for all makers) and i think I will buy this little wonder.
Love the filter cartridge idea! What happens when you try to load one into a game boy
I wish someone would make an MC-202 clone with enhancements.
Love that idea! Not enough 202 love
+1!! Count me in!
Oh god yes, sign me up as well
I remember when the MC-202 was ‘the poor man’s 303.’
Now I guess it’s ‘the hipster’s 303.’
TB303 again and again and again…
They can’t make a new bassline synth, with new sound, new features? or we must content ourselves with 303 clones until end of time?
did you watch? it is 303 but way more.. you can change the freaking filter! it has midi and dinsync it has input and outputs for modular or vintage synths, it has usb-midi and you can play it externally. just the sequencer and i/o alone without the sound looks pretty good.
Wow, there are I/O for modular and USB ! But that don’t change the sound…
Volca Bass
Eowave Magma
Grendel Grenadier
Hypersynth Xenophone
Bass Station II
And that’s only the currently manufactured analog monos with integrated sequencers that are not directly 303 inspired. There is even more variety if don’t need one of those characteristics. I think there’s room for another 303-alike.
This beats all clones as far as I can tell. It seems to be THE 303 to get, way outshining the original. Sounds weird and fluid, just how I like em.
I’m gonna say it again… This is the 303 you’ve been waiting for!
My x0xi0 just got demoted to doorstop status…
Well done, Brian! I love the integration of the mods with the new sequencer. This is gonna be soooo good…
This thing looks sweet, might need to swap it out for my tt-303 bass bot
Finally. I bought one. Not disappointed in any way.