Tobias Enhus’s LumiTECTURE is a new ‘retro analog’ electronic track, created entirely using purely Symbolic Sound’s Kyma software, running on three Pacarana DSPs .
The time lapse video was over shot in the greater LA area.
According to Enhus, he was trying to portray “A city as a living entity, a bold splash of raw color framed by an austere moon-rise and moon-set.”
Nice Track there! Although it didn’t need the Kyma System to do that.
Yet in terms of Sounddesign, Kyma is still awesome, wish they would be willing to tell more about their future plans in times where computers are getting faster and faster..
But haven’t found anything equal in terms of Sound Morphing capabilities though!
Years ago I was begging for a Kyma System, but now I’m not so sure anymore.. with Max & Reaktor out there which are also pretty powerful, yet different.
well, at a countdown is running for something new
Oooh YES!
Thank you for pointing that out!
Haven’t been on their site since ages! I know,one or two years ago there were rumors about something new but then it all went silent.
Oh lord, after NAMM and now this, 2015 will rape my bank account badly!
Awesome news! Thanks!
It’s been ages since last time I visited their site.
Oh my, seems like 2015 is gonna be very brutal to my bank account!
Sorry for the doublepost! Thought the first one got deleted somehow..
Beautiful sounds, very evocative melodies and perfect fit with the visuals. Three thumbs up, no wait, that’s physically impossible, but you know what I mean.